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People simply don’t give a fuck. Unless the product isn’t mediocre, they could bomb kids as far as they care (unless it appears as a scandal, and they feel morally pushed to move on)


It’s not a VB problem. I have the same issue with other programs too in Endeveaour OS. It appears that when you turn off the machine sometime a program get “stuck” and will keep auto starting itself without reason. The first time it happened to me it went away after an update, but now I’m having Firefox and Strawberry starting themselves just because they feel it.

My hypothesis is that if you shutdown the machine without closing a program it gets stuck. How to get rid of it? I still have no idea


I think we could learn so much if this ends in a total wipe out of some billionaires… Let’s hope for the best for science, and then do some replication studies with more billionaires to be sure all variables stay the same


I’ve been sailing the seas for a while in the deep web but I decided to stop for good, for what creeps you more is not what you start to find, but what you stop finding…


US Democrats: yes, fellow lefties, we must fight for everybody to be equal in dignity and participation, so nobody is left behind! Equal rights! Free market in function of human dignity!

The left: Who are this people?

Social democrats: I’m sorry friend, but the left must build a social safety net trough institutions and the state to help everybody to have the best life posible allowing the private enterprise to flourish as part of human desire, but not as nuclear aspect of the good life.

Marxist-Leninist : flourish the WHAT? Oh no, we must take the means of production so the social results of the industry goes directly in benefits of the workers! We need a vanguard that guide the proletarian masses to liberation from the shackles of exploitation. Up with the soviets! Eventually the State will go too!

M-Stalinist: Yes, and only throught a strong state that can disolve the classes and allow the mass to emerge we can achieve a nation capable of go side to side in the competition against capitalism ideology! So, sorry friends, but soviets must go in favor of the party state

Juche-Marxist: Of course, but that is short sighted. If the nation can’t self produce their existence, we will always be at mercy of the capitalist class. Strong army, Strong Country, Strong Industry!

Anarchists: WTF are you all talking about, you class traitors! You are changing a dominant class for another! The State must be dissolve now! It won’t grow itself out of existence!

Anarcho-syndicalists: yes! All power to the unions! The workers must own the means of production in a direct way! Only then exploitation will disappear!

Anarcho-mutualists: But only if the economic system as a whole goes into workers hands. The banks must be comunitary owned! That way riches can go to everybody!

Anarcho communists: Are you all mad? While there is money it can be hoarded! If it can be hoarded then the condition for exploitation remains when a new rich emerges to become a new bourgeois!

Anarcho feminists: Can we all stop this darn dammit class reduction! Gender oppression is the base of this all! Even if capitalism is abolish the men will keep opression over all other genders!

Anarcho primitivists: I’m sorry, but if the planet burns to ashes no liberation will happen. We need to destroy the industrial society if we want a chance for any kind of Utopia and return to a gatherer past where all sentients creatures can be free. To stop in gender is short sighted!

Everybody else: destroy THE WHAT???

Anarcho transhumanists: ehm… Sorry, no. Technology is the base that will allows us to get to a post scarcity society where we can transcend human condition and become something else that will reach a true Utopia where anyone can be anything being the universe the only cap for dreaming.

Everybody else: transcend the WHAT???


But, you know… Is just some differences that can be worked out

Left unity! Yey!


These men deliberately forfeited the truth of God and accepted a lie, paying homage and giving service to the creature instead of to the Creator, who alone is worthy to be worshipped for ever and ever, amen. God therefore handed them over to disgraceful passions. Their women exchanged the normal practices of sexual intercourse for something which is abnormal and unnatural. Similarly the men, turning from natural intercourse with women, were swept into lustful passions for one another. Men with men performed these shameful horrors, receiving, of course, in their own personalities the consequences of sexual perversity.

As a good Christian I’m gonna cherry pick and choose the Phillips traduction. Anal sex is a gift from god bestowed on us and from there all kinks came.

And it seems that God blessed orgy was amazing
