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No, I don’t mind. Feel free to ask me anything :)

It took around three weeks for me to get back on my feet properly, and another few months to get back to almost normal. It’s a bit tricky to be accurate, as a lot of it was down to the muscle wastage, but some was down to the illness that caused me to be in the coma*. As well as the weakness, I had a few balance issues too, but that was probably a side effect of the muscle wastage. The little muscles that you dont think about had wasted too, so struggled to keep me upright.

I did have a funny moment because of it all though - while I was in the coma, my wife started some renovations on our house, so we moved in with my mother. After I got out of hospital I wanted to set up my computer and catch up with some friends.

I started to set up in a spare bedroom, but had to take the computer upstairs, so picked it up and started to carry it. I got about three steps up and got stuck. In my excitement, I’d forgotten about the muscle wastage and ran straight for the stairs. With one leg on one step and the other on the next step, I just stopped. My brain and body caught up with each other, and I couldn’t move. I couldn’t put the computer down either, so I just had to stand there and wait for my wife to come and help >.<

*I’ve got an autoimmune disease that’s part of a rare group of diseases called Vasculitis. My particular flavour is called GPA - Granulomatosis with PolyAngiitis. It means that my immune system attacks the healthy cells in my body, and little granulomas form. They’re kind of like little granules of tissue. My kidneys were the worst affected, and I had to have a kidney transplant just over a decade ago. It’s a manageable disease, but because mine was undiagnosed for so long while it was active, it caused a lot of damage.

I’m mostly ok, but will always have some issues.


So they didn’t just add a k to infocenter? ;)



I’ve been in a coma, and it messed me up a lot. I was only in the coma for a few weeks, but I had muscle wastage that meant that I had to basically learn to walk again. I couldn’t breathe without a ventilator, so a tube down my throat, and when that came out I was on oxygen for a while. I was so weak that I couldn’t feed myself. I couldn’t control my bladder or bowels for a few weeks after coming out of it.

Time didn’t just fly by while I was out either. I had dreams that were completely realistic, to the point where I couldn’t tell what were dreams and what actually happened for quite a while. I had some weird dreams while I was being treated, but mine were mostly harmless. There was someone in the hospital before me who had some sort of reaction to the meds, and had hyper realistic nightmares.

Even shitty jails sound better than going through that again.


Brilliant, thank you :)

I’m going to give it a go over the weekend and see what happens :)


That looks ideal for me too, thanks for the link :)

Do you know if it works offline? So if I start an ebook or audiobook then lose my internet connection, can I carry on with the book?


@Emperor@feddit.uk did the research, and it’s not as ridiculous as these articles make it sound. Their post is hete:



It got less viewers than Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord, which were both released on the same day on BBC iPlayer, and 73 Yards, which was the season’s high-mark when it comes to viewership.

I’m not surprised that the viewership dropped after those episodes. The first two were a bit weird and Disneyfied, with talking babies and a musical number, and 73 Yards was a nothing episode - it felt like a lot of build up for a big letdown.

I’ve been a bit disappointed with the season. Ncuti Gatwa is a fantastic doctor, but the stories just haven’t been great. Hopefully it’s just the reboot easing new viewers in, and they’ll get stronger for the next season 👍


I’ve been dreading booting back into Windows recently because I upgraded my motherboard/CPU and know they are going to make me buy another license.

Windows tends to be better at this these days. If this does happen though, go through the activation process and start the troubleshooter. There’s an option there to transfer the licence from another machine. You should be able to transfer it from the same machine if Windows thinks it’s a new one.

This assumes that it’s the same version of Windows, but in your case it shouldn’t be changing 👍


I’ve genuinely seen a post asking for help because DISM wouldn’t run, where the recommended answer was to run DISM 🙈
