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“Immovable Object: North Korea’s 70 Years At War with American Power” by A.B. Abrams comes to mind. It mostly uses Western or SK sources and documents published/declassified and the resulting picture is so cruel you won’t sleep for nights


Saying it like that, maybe lmao… But did they ever really denied it? When Snowden revealed Merkel was spied on by the US, who gave a fuck? Here they could at least try and say “we had no choice, the burger empire, being the economic rival and an LNG supplier that it is, convinced us to tank our gas imports. We never saw this coming and trusted them.”


I think at this point it is less embarrassing to admit that they were ordered by the imperial core to f. up their economy than to keep claiming it was their own decision


And who believes their lies? Who votes those guys into power? This country is still a democracy, not a dictatorship.

That’s the point that voting the “correct” guys who “don’t lie this time” will never work, hence it’s a dictatorship of capitalists. I agree that if anything, the people are too stupid to realize that in a bourgeois dictatorship such as Germany they do not have any mechanisms on the decisions made by the government. So even if they don’t believe the lies, who do they vote for then? The only parties who get attention by the one’s who have most media representation, means a lot of budget to promote themselves, that’s the Mr. moneybags.

But if the demos is stupid, villains get the kratos.

Yes but is this really the point you made in your first comment? More like “if the demos is stupid it can’t get it right”. I mean that’s coming from the economic system from a country such as Germany’s. If you meant this before, I agree. My point was that arguments such as this

Literally every change, whatsoever, will find at least 50 people arguing against it,

Annegret thinks computers are a fad

“we’re not an immigration country”

is exactly because the corruption in a capitalist country like Germany. They will evaluate problems based on who of the richies gets how much money out of which outcome, and not because they are having some ideological “views” typical to Germans on it that is stalling the process.

Edit: I think we talk about two different types of stupidity: the first, where unpopular policies are passed in capitalist countries are explained by “the politician is too stupid or lacks knowledge therefore it was made” and the second is about the people, who stupidly believe in that, hoping the next government is not stupid. I meant the first one, it is a popular justification in Germany, that hides the fact that unpopular decisions are made because of the inherent corruption in a capitalist country.


not because of any grand economical failure, but because the Germans as a people are idiots

What no material analysis does to a mf. I like how in every capitalist economy, the rise of a crisis is always explained by anything but the fact that Germany is a corrupt, bourgeois dictatorship. It’s always the mindset, the attitude, the rejection of some progress by some people or politicians appear to be dumb. Dude, it’s not that some politicians or people do not understand some basic things, or they didn’t expect that to happen. The government is driven by politicians that are puppets of top 1%. There are no really parties who represent the majority, the only difference between them is that they have stocks in different branches at different corporations. Stuff like coal is favored is not that “somehow” they value coal workers more, it’s that the coal lobby pushed its influence.

And finally we see what such an economic systems does to even successful countries, there are no safety mechanisms that prevent dismantling the industry and lowering life qualities of the majority after all.


I think legit they’re that dense. Suddenly suporting ROC during a fight over the mainland is apparently not recognizing their claims. LMAO


Dude, you like have never heard of the Chinese civil war? And on which side the US was? The US supported the Guomindang of ROC because they should have been according to them the successor of mainland China. And long after they escaped to Taiwan, the US was putting sactions, economic blockades and manipulations on the PRC because according to the US they were just terrorists residing on the mainland, and in the beginning they wanted to re-establish the ROCs rule on the mainland.

You now demand from me to post some specific stuff that is never explicitly stated. You also won’t find any document from Western countries in Europe recognizing that the Donbass is a region of Ukraine, what matters is when they recognize it’s constution and accept that state on international levels.

Its time for you to put up some of that bold claims. I actually am interested, if you have any constitution or proposal of that Taiwan nation you keep talking, you can send it to me, I would really like to know what they have in mind if there is something like this.


Not only has US never endorsed their claims outside Taiwan

You keep pulling shit from your ass. The US has formerly recognized the ROC and all its claims, then put the PRC into UN instead in the cold war to get them on their side. And recognized the One-China Policy.

Now, if the US is again violating the One-China Policy, that means they deal with ROC as a state again. Here you start to pull out without sources or proof an assumption that there is an imaginary state called Taiwan, with a constitution with claims only about the island itself, and that the US is exactly protecting this state, which I said does not exist in that form.

My whole point is the absence of that nuance, and that this state the US de facto recognized has claims worse that any other country in Asia.

They dont support RoC’s constitution

I mean yes now they don’t recognize it officially, but they and the government on Taiwan do not make any considerations regarding these claims, they just still have them? That is literally my whole point.


“local language” lmao Curious, what about those up to 100 million cantonese speaking in mainland China? They forgot to surpress them too? Oops! Clearly, gents, this guy got arrested because the cantonese language of those 7 million living in HK are a thread!


Good question, wasn’t Russia appearing on an international summit right after blowing him up? Also it made the most sense to kill him after resolving a coup in no way another country would do, and throw that show of diplomacy away? And lose influcence in Africa with his death? You’re like the high iq people who think Nemzov gets shot right in front of the Kreml is not made for Western audiences and media?

Also, blazero, how 'bout doing something else than creeping through my profile, like blazing some skunk or idk finding your Taiwan nation
