Transporter Room 3
Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.
I’m someone’s favorite.
I haven’t really been keeping up with nuclear news, so that’s actually a surprise to me that so many reactors are in-progress!
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the narrative of some is “nuclear is evil” instead of “China is beating us on energy, BUILD MORE TO BEAT THEM!” But oil lobbies really do have their claws into every facet of government… Quadruple down on fossil fuels and smear campaigns, money machine go brrr.
Have you tried saying the magic words “these edibles ain’t shit” after half an hour?
In seriousness, that’s odd that edibles don’t do much for you. I wonder if it’s a dosage issue or if there’s something different about your digestive system. I guess the former implies the latter…
Personally I vape, but I do like edibles. I need to stop vaping as mY primary source, I’ve been noticing a decrease in lung capacity beyond what covid did. I did not enjoy biking long distance last week.
I’m pretty good at baking, and have always wanted to try my hand at making edibles, but I think I’d rather try and find some chocolate chips or butter or something that I can use in a normal recipe first. I make a mean chocolate chip cookie.
The Voth are pushovers, I can destroy one of their city ships with a Miranda Class.
Oh what’s with the 15 other ships flying around the area? Don’t mind them. Just my bros. Totally solo’d. Mhmm.
Man, what is it with Sci fi and having futuristic tech from Dino-descendants.
I’m not complaining, I want more.
no Democrat is likely to do that
Honestly this is what pisses me off.
When an opponent who literally wants you or yours dead hands you a gun, shoot them with it. Because if you don’t shoot, they will.
Republicans have handed democrats so many tools over the years they could easily wield against Republicans… But they don’t.
They take the “high road.”
The Moral High Road is Filled With Corpses.
Brotherly love didn’t even last in my parents church while inside the building. They convinced a pastor to move his family across the country, and then when ONE PERSON got offended by a difference in interpretation, they managed to strong arm their church leaders into firing the pastor.