
TrudeauCastroson [he/him]

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“I only ate chicken breast and ground beef”

I don’t understand how people don’t realize that you have to eat a lot of the “gross” parts of animals to have a somewhat balanced diet going carnivore. Also going factory-meat pumped full of steroids and hormones sure is a return to caveman.

I remember reading YouTube comments from a guy who gave me real :a-guy: vibes who ate raw meat he hunted himself and even he understood you have to eat a liver and kidney at some point.

Inuits who are probably the only not-vegan ethical diet understand that you have to eat every part of an animal if you want something resembling health.

I guess being so reactionary that you reject vegetables=healthy means you’re more likely to do it out of contrarianism than actual benefit.


I don’t understand people who defend twitch streamers generally.

He’s just some guy in his basement who is on video for hours putting out poorly researched takes that I could come up with if I were lazy (considering that I heard one of his research streams was reading wikipedia).

PhilosophyTube clearly reads books so I respect her. Vaush doesn’t come across as a guy who ever read a book, and I don’t read enough books, so why the fuck would I listen to him.

Idk maybe I mellowed out more since I can’t even be mad at these online people, just confused at their existence. Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson used to sincerely piss me off but now I just ignore it because there’s no point since I don’t know anyone who takes him seriously (although I used to know JBP fans)


Wait who even was the sponsor in this video, the Christian-managed macaroni grill?

Edit: I also thought the sponsor thing was a bit lol


I noticed they did the same copy/paste shit with Cuba Libre stuff.

It’s low effort because we’re the only ones who care to notice.


My mom doesn’t know much about her, but did say she lost all respect for her for dying on her post instead of retiring.

true blue libs who make this art are allergic to disparaging any dead american for some reason. If they were 5% more normal they’d think she’s dumb.


They should’ve kept her on secret life support, like I’m pretty sure they did with the queen.

She was also at a wedding during COVID, (pretty sure vaccines were barely out) like the month before she died lmao. Imagine being the true blue lib who killed RBG.


I’m surprised at that, since BE had a stream with Yugopnik who’s on a podcast with Hakim.

All I know is BE hates V*ush with a passion and that part of his too online argumentation is pretty cool.


I like dogs and think that a lot of people who own dogs probably shouldn’t. Especially when people own the completely wrong kind of dog for their life/climate.

Basically no one should own a husky unless you have a dogsled team because the only way to get energy out of them in a comfortable environment for them is to have them pull something in the snow for a while.

A lot of people have dogs with way too much energy. Or social needs that aren’t being met because the dog doesn’t have that much time interacting with other dogs because dog park might be far away. I feel bad for all those lonely dogs spending hours a day on their own.


Things Joe Biden could do:

-withhold funding to states who revoke abortion to coerce them to let it go. Similar to how drinking age is set by each state but is 21 everywhere because you get road funding taken away for making it lower

-put abortion clinics on federal-held land in each red state. Probably dumb because usually these are woods in the middle of nowhere but at least it’s something

-outlaw punishing people who get abortions outside of the state they live in, which helps abortion-help funds operate in a less grey or illegal way.


The early philosophy tube stuff was just talking at a camera. The antifa video was like 1.5 hours of just one angle (head, just above shoulders) plus cuts to pictures.

There was definitely some lifting of contrapoints’ style, considering pre-transition contrapoints (where she nuked those videos I guess) were still pretty skit and costume heavy, but just lower budget.

I think there was some weird personal stuff between the two as well since contra blocked philosophytube on Twitter and it got to the point where she deleted any post Abigail interacted with.
