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A lot of wars have ended in a stalemate.

And if Israel is just stopping the onslaught in Gaza it is not a surrender. They wouldn’t have given up anything.


The earliest inhabitants in recorded history were Judaic and spoke Hebrew

And many of their children became Christian after Jesus and many became Muslim after Mohamed (s.a.s). The Palestinian people are ethnically the direct descendants of the Hebrew speaking Jews you are referring to. And before the European Jews, many of whom did not speak Hebrew by the way, invaded the land, Muslims, Christians and Jews were coexisting on the land of their ancestors. The people of Moses never left the land. Just that now their great great great great great… great cousins are forcing them out of the land, their branch of lineage has left hundreds and thousands of years ago.

The whole ethnic argument of zionism is a lie, that is as absurd as US Americans claiming rights to indigenous lands, because they have some 1/1024th native ethnics.


And once more "the West"a leaders prove to the world that they are nothing but violent hypocrites. Barbaric acts of terrorism are perfectly fine, when carried out on “brown” people, but god forbid they fight back against blatant violations of international war.

The current generation of leaders is not only deeply reprehensible, they are destroying all the progress made towards a more peaceful and rule based international order over the past 80 years.


From whom?

We have no idea, if the US, France and UK would actually allow another nuclear power to commit to a secondary strike to disable Israel from nuking further. They certainly won’t use their nukes on Israel to do it themselves.


“Ich finde es grundsätzlich begrüßenswert, dass sich sowohl die Bundesregierung als auch Parteien gerade überlegen, wie sie niedrigschwellig kommunizieren, wie sie junge Menschen erreichen”, so Ataman. “Ich glaube nur, dass lustige Videos in sozialen Medien nicht der richtige Weg sind. Aus meiner Sicht müssen es die Inhalte sein, die junge Menschen ansprechen. Das heißt, man muss Politik machen, die junge Menschen anspricht, über ein Wahlrecht ab 16 nachdenken, sie einbinden und teilhaben lassen an der Politik.”

Die Strategie der Bundesregierung und Bundespolitik erinnert mich ein bisschen an diese Fernsehwerbung für eine Bank mit “wir machen das mit den bunten Fähnchen.”

Nachdem die Union zusammen mit der SPD und zeitweise FDP über 16 Jahre die Belange junger Menschen völlig vernachlässigt hat, legt jetzt die Ampel konsequent nach, damit junge Menschen in Deutschland auch definitiv weder Interesse an Politik haben, noch an die Demokratie glauben.

Darüber in ARD Magazinen zu diskutieren, die sich kaum jemand unter dem Renteneintrittsalter anschaut, ist natürlich auch super intelligent gemacht.

Wenn Hebestreit recht hatte, mit der Aussage, dass knapp 20 Millionen Deutsche TikTok nutzen, dann wird es schwierig sie wieder mit überzeugenden Angeboten in den etablierten Medien zurückzuholen. Angesichts des Unwillens, sich weiterzuentwickeln ist es in Deutschland auf absehbare Zeit unmöglich.





Man kann jetzt natürlich die Frage stellen, ob das steigende Durchschnittsalter allein Aussagefähig ist, allerdings sehen wir dass das Zuschaueralter auch deutlich über dem Bevölkerungsdurchschnitt liegt und dazu kommen eben die Debatten um die Struktur, die Intendantenskandale, die schlechte Qualität von FUNK als Angebot für junge Leute…


It is not illegal. You will only get publicly humiliated, have your house raided on bullshit reasons and if you get any government funding for anything you did, you can say bye bye to that. Especially if you are jewish and dissenting to the zionist agenda. Jews are disproportionaly targeted by these measures. Because nothing protects Jews form antisemitism, like targeting Jews that “stepped out of line” in the eyes of the pro zionist government.


To add to that, every commitment to defending Israel while it is provoking and escalating things in the region, means less resources to Ukraine. So if the western European countries are committing more to helping Israel in its bullshit, that shifts the power balance in Europe more in Putins favor.

So it is not only about the relative cost to cost and relative cost to economy/budget but also relative from budget to budget.


No one was interested in an escalation except Israel. Iran has repeatedly shown that they want to keep it at fighting through proxies. Syria is in shambles and Lebanon is struggling too. Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are all bought by the US.

Israel will stay at war, because that is what is keeping Bibi in power and now they have the opportunity for mass murder and land grabs like they haven’t had in a long time.

The US could end all of this and if the US wasn’t a genocidal colonial force on both parts of the political isle, it would do so.

  1. Israel is used to ensure continued divide and destabilization to keep the Middle East at perpetual war, making resource extraction cheaper and preventing the formation of a unified Arab block, that would have more people than the EU, be economically en par but strategically much better situated.

Note that this aspect is not exclusive to the US or EU. Russia is also quite happy with keeping the Middle East in this state. For China it remains to be seen, if they want a stable Middle East for the Belts and Roads, or if they arrange with the way it is currently.
