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Lol. The Nobel peace price was awarded to Obama, as he denied signing a treaty to ban cluster bombs. Then the Nobel peace price was awarded to “the EU” as it had its border guards throw refugees into the sea to die. Fucking Henry Kissinger got a nobel peace price for negotiating in Vietnam, while orchestrating the fascist coup in Chile.

At this rate it is an insult to get this price.


Die selbe Diskussion nochmal?

Die selbe Diskussion nochmal!

Ist doch eins der liebsten Sommerloch-Themen, damit man nicht darüber berichten muss, wie der Planet brennt.


Volle Zustimmung. Wenn wir “Waffenverbotszonen” als Beispiel nehmen, ging es dabei auch nur darum, einen Grund zu finden um “Verdächtige” zu durchsuchen. Und zufällig waren Verdächtige dann immer Menschen mit einer Hautfarbe, die auch die Nazis nicht mögen.

Und damit man sich das noch mal für Klingenwaffen verdeutlicht. Eine feststehende Klinge von 8-10 cm ist ungefähr so die Länge, die di emeisten Hände vom Daumen bis zum kleinen Finger breit sind.


“Weird phase for tech” is a nice euphemism for “knows what casettes are, but didn’t have to put them into computers anymore.”

I agree though that it is crazy. I remember it being a big thing for teenagers being 14,15 when i was 7 or 8 to get their own mobile phone. The kids born in 2001 onwards often had their first smartphone at 8 or 9


Which formative years? Everything until 25 is quite formative.


Don’t you have a mortgage to pay off? Hush hush to work, and leave the internet to us. Doesn’t matter if you were in some usenet mailing groups already, when most people couldn’t type on a keyboard.


I think you limit your understanding to western Christianism, which infamously decided to establish a direct connection between political and religious authority as well as deeply institutionalized religion. These concepts already struggle when looking at the original, orthodox Christians like they survived in Palestine, the Levant and Turkey.

If you look at diaspora Judaism in large parts it has been a beacon of scientific and social progress in many areas. Which is why these groups strongly oppose Zionism as a religiously themed imperial project, which directly contradicts their religious values and bastardizes the understanding of Judaism into a barbaric version.

If you look at Islam it brought great scientific and social progress, in particular allowing for Christian and Jewish communities to thrive, building social infrastructure and implementing rule of law. Look at the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Iberian Jews, after the Christians won against the “Moors”. Extremist Islamism is a product of hundreds of years of genocidal Western Christian occupation, largely absent in places where people could life and practice in peace.

If you look at the Western “war on terror”, Chinas subjugation of the Uighur, the Serbian genocide in Bosnia and Putins supression of Muslims, you should wonder, what brings all these powers together? It is their fear of a reemergence of religion, not as a cheap trope, like with the evangelicals in the US, but as something people take serious. In particular Islam is dangerous to established powers and capitalist rule, as it provides a balanced approach to life, where the relationship to god is a priority but sustained by thriving for a good and just life for oneself and their community.

Meanwhile both capitalism and communism reflect on humans as purely economic beings, whose struggle should always be materialistic rather than holistic.


No, no and no*

Marx postulated communism from an economic analysis with the goal to improve the economic and political situation of the working class. This is deeply antifascist.

Lenin abolished the tsarist rule and implemented progressive politics like womens rights and ended the criminalization of homosexuality.

Stalin while ideologically and economically not a fascist was staunchly authoritarian, which is a core theme of fascism and he rolled back many of the progressive social policies of Lenin. However authoritarianism is an universal political theme, whether fascist, stalinist, monarchist or even “democratic”.


Nun ist nochmals gerichtlich bestätigt, was außerhalb der deutschen Politik und Medienblase fast jedem klar ist. Israel agiert als ein illegales Besatzungsregime, dass Land annektiert, und sich der Apartheit und/oder rassischen Seggregation schuldig macht.

Dies bezeichnet den Zustand bis Ende 2022, die Verbrechen, die seitdem dazu gekommen sind, waren nicht Teil des Gutachtens.

Die Strategie des Lauten Schweigens der Bundesregierung, die zwar formale Kritik äußert, aber militärisch, diplomatisch und finanziell weiter das Besatzeregime unterstüzt rückt damit noch weiter in die direkte Unterstützung dieser Verbrechen gegen das Völkerrecht.

Gleichzeitig muss endlich die Frage auf den Tisch, warum mit der Unterstützung von Axel Springer & co. weiter die Stimmen kriminalisiert und ausgegrenzt werden, die die gleiche Haltung wie der IGH einnehmen und das Besatzerregime zu recht scharf verurteilen.


According to a LinkedIn profile Viasna said belonged to Krieger, he worked as a medical worker for the German Red Cross and as an armed security officer for the US embassy in Berlin.

This guy being just a tourist is as probable as the Russian soldiers that “got lost” on vacation, ending up in Donetsk between 2014 and 2022
