Uwix The Wizard
0 posts • 17 comments
We can’t expect God to do all of the work (⌐■_■)
Honestly, after years of gaming I would have to say controller. I grew up on consoles and didn’t start playing on the pc until my late teens. I can manage on MnK but after a while my wrists get sore even with wrists rests and I tend to forget where the keys are on the keyboard. Where as on controller I can comfortably play in any position and very seldomly my fingers may get sore but not as bad as my wrists. Plus, I like playing on a big TV depending on the game lol
There is!!! It’s called Voyager and I believe it’s on Android as well, if not then you can use the web-app -> https://vger.app/
By the beard, this makes me long for the wizardposting forum on the orb sight that shant be named