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I know, right? I feel the same way.

I own multiple consoles right now, but I also have a Switch that I often put away and cancel my NSO subscription because where I live online functionality is limited in the countryside.

I had learned not to play ‘the latest and greatest titles’ of the current generation out of stigma.

Because modern games sometimes flop too.

Most of my consoles are older, but I have different reasons to put them up though because it’s not healthy to play to frustration with games.

Or the games typically do something I don’t like.

For example, I had played Ocarina of Time to the point where Phatom Ganon is just too much for me excluding all the minigames I avoided because I wanted to advance the plot.

And in FFVII, apparently Cloud Strife gets told by Aeris to…dress like a girl and enter an adult entertainment place…just to reach a friend?

And the game is rated T for some reason?

But that’s my take on the PlayStation that some if not all of the games are too mature for my tastes.

What I’m trying to say is this: I resonate with your post though I’m divided over my own systems.

I do have an Atari 2600 and Sega Genesis though that I enjoy personally and I collect my own titles for each system depending on my current mood.

You would probably enjoy my systems because not all of them have Internet besides my own Dreamcast, which connects with a DreamPi and private servers that I had help with years ago.

Though I made a living playing PSO before, I just couldn’t get back into it anymore so I put that up.

My other systems matter to me as well, and not even they have Internet for the most part.

I totally validate your experiences with games.

I may not play NES like you, but that’s because I was ripped off by mine (the expansion port case broke on me) unlike my own Atari 2600 instead.

That system worked out better in my opinion.

But it’s okay that you like games from the 80s because you grew up on that in the first place.

It’s really neat to me, though I’m different.


Right…that was the very first console of all.


There was a game on that platform called Injustice: Gods Among Us that I played before that I play now on Windows these days.

I also played other games on the PS3 as well.


Yeah I know, right!? I like that system too!

Here it is out and ready right now!


I validate you. I like the Atari 400 too.
