Certified foxgirl enjoyer. Weeb, but hasn’t properly watched anime in ages. Gamer of incresingly niche subgenres. Aficionado of racecars, mechas, fighter jets, and any other vehicles you can think of. Lives in the wrong side of the planet compared to all my friends. Made way too many Fedi accounts
By going back in time and actually winning the previous races that he and McLaren fumbled hard. It’s not going to happen this year.
I’ve heard some queer friends talking about this game and I had no idea what it was. Now I know, and not only is this hilarious now I want to give it a try. It looks pretty cute.
Ace Combat, all of them but especially the PS2 Holy Trinity.
Shadow of the Colossus.
NFSU2, Most Wanted and Burnout 3, even if theyre licensed music and not really original.
Doom midis in general are fun. Touhou games too.
Used Mint with Cinnamon for a long time, but always wanted to try KDE after distrohopping a bit. Had it on when I switched to Arch, but didn’t like how slow it felt on my old laptop so I tried LXQt and then XFCE. I wanted a modern lightweight environment with Wayland support, but I’ll have to wait for it to be implemented. In the meantime, I riced my XFCE just how I like it, and I really like how complete and responsive it is.
Good move, too bad it’s tied to an incredibly bad game that ruins the franchise. Thanks a fucking lot Randy you sleazeball. Never trust Gearbox with anything.