Interesting to me that this is getting such high reviews. I played through the demo and came away entirely uninterested in playing it any further. The story looks fantastic and I really enjoyed the world, but I felt like I was only in control of my character maybe a quarter of the time; the rest was all cutscenes, QTEs, or rail-shooter. When I was in control, it felt pretty shallow, either button mash, or button mash with correct enough timing to trigger parries/perfect blocks. It doesn’t look like a bad game, it’s just not something I’m interested in spending my time and money to play.
I’d LOVE to watch this as an anime.
Wing Commander: Privateer.
I’ll never forget when I went over to my friend’s house and I couldn’t understand how the pirates weren’t attacking him. And then we loaded up my save (off a 3.5" floppy) and he couldn’t understand how the militia weren’t attacking me. It’s the first time we were ever exposed to factions that responded to your actions.
I sank so much time in that game. Never paid too much attention to the storyline, but I did have the fastest ship with highest-end targeting computer and a full load-out of the best weapons.
Which is hilarious to me because how Linux handles application installations/updates though package management is so much easier than anything on the Microsoft side. No muss, no fuss, no chasing down dependencies, just “install X” and X is now cleanly installed on your system as well as everything it needs to run.
Six does look great. I really appreciate the Zangief redesign and how it takes him looking like a bodybuilder to looking like a strongman competitor. Hopefully they’ll be an analogue to Champion Edition so I can pick it up for a bit less and not have to pay extra for half the roster.
Use Ubuntu until you have a first-hand reason why you should use something else.
It’s not perfect, but it’s still the 800 lb gorilla, and it’s what things have the least chance of not working with. It has the most eyes on it and the most immediate solutions when you google a problem.
If you don’t like Gnome, then use Kubuntu.
When you say “stagger”, do you mean not-ortholinear? If so, I’m confused as both the Sweep and Corne are ortholinear.
At it’s core, whatever system you implement is going to have four buckets:
- I need to see and deal with this immediately
- I need to see this immediately, but can deal with it later
- I need to see this at some point
- This is a complete waste of my time
When you set up filters/rules, it’s typically safer to err in putting something in a higher priority bucket.
Past that, it really depends on the email you receive. For mine, an easy differentiator is if I’m a direct recipient, just a CC, or if I’m getting it as a member of a group mailbox. I get a lot of automated notifications, and those are easy to sort based on source and subject line.