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Why are they still saying “suspected” shooter?

How much evidence does one need before they can definitely say something?


The entire world agrees it’s a Genocide. The whole world also agrees that the US is an accomplice in the Genocide.

US bombs are constantly found among the corpses of women and children sheltering in tents. If Biden isn’t responsible then you’re as deluded as they come.

Also, I’m not “ignoring everyone else’s concerns”, I’m ignoring your concerns. Some random dude on the internet

I’ve realised I’m talking to a literal child. Grow up and take this seriously. I’m talking about the citizens of Gaza who are suffering here as a result of Biden’s insistence on supporting this war. I’m not interested in exchanging one liners with an internet goblin.


Look, I am just as anti-Trump as the rest of the sane voters but your arguments don’t do you or the Dems any favours whatsoever.

Biden is the one responsible for thousands of deaths in Gaza. He said he’s a self proclaimed Zionist, effectively saying that he supports the Israeli war on a personal level.

OP was right. Biden has been allowing this to go on and without US’ support, this would have ended long ago. And not only denying that what’s going on in Gaza isn’t a genocide, but flat out rejecting that there’s no famine, even when you’re able to count the ribs of children is pathetic.

So what was the solution? Biden should’ve said he won’t run for another term. It’s too late for that now and Dems may pay the price.

Biden really is going senile and he really isn’t fit to lead another 4 years. Yes, you absolutely can’t have Trump return, unless you want the US to become an autocratic dictatorship and spark a civil war, but letting Biden run with this much baggage is suicide. I’d be happy if Dems win, but let’s wake up and stop kidding ourselves. We should not be surprised if Trump wins. The Dems have never been this fragmented and we needed everyone to come together last time to beat Trump (and even then it wasn’t a landslide!)

If your best argument for Biden is that we can’t have Trump, then you’re just ignoring everyone else’s concerns about a guy who has presided over, and actively and consciously encouraged a genocide. It’s not enough this time to simply avoid Trump.


Can you imagine your own mind having unskippable ads?

Can you imagine buying products you don’t want because you’re suddenly compelled to do so and you have no idea why.

Neuralink is going to be hell, purely because the person in charge of it is Elon Musk.


He wants the presidency to exonerate himself. That’s it. He knows he’s going to prison if he loses the election.

He has zero care or motivation to further the country once he’s in power. He wants to save his own ass and his properties.


I mean, it does look like a sensible option. BRICS countries are growing in number and their combined wealth is nothing to sneeze at.

Turkey was never really allowed to be a part of EU and therefore will join the cool new club while the rest of Europe grows in far right rhetoric, and generally anti islamic sentiment.


To all those people who keep saying that in order to not have Trump back in 2025, everyone must suck it up and vote Biden, this is why that just can’t happen.

Sure Trump is bad in many ways but Biden’s insistence on helping Netenyahu no matter what will lose him the election.

I’m not making a case for Trump, btw. Both things can be bad at the same time. For people who are seeing Gazans die for no reason, Biden cannot come back into office again. Does that mean we want Trump? Of course not, and that’s why voting for anyone else makes sense.

If voting for anyone else means you’re voting for Trump, so be it!


On September 11, some Saudis attacked the World Trade Centre. America retaliated by going to war with Afghanistan, found they had nothing of value, and then Rumsfeld said since Iraq has oil, they should go after them instead. The unprovoked attack and illegal war that still, to this day, has had zero repurcussions against Bush, Blair and the rest who started it, and caused individuals from militant faction groups to rise up and attack those nations in the form of terrorist attacks, perpetuating a cycle of hate and loss.

More than twenty years later, uneducated people still fail to see the distinction between individual terrorists and an entire people who follow Islam. Islamophobia is on the rise right now simply because people are protesting the war in Gaza, and still equating those protesters to the terrorism from years prior.

I say all this because I can see how hate, and in your case, antisemitism lingers. Your actions are not that of the IDF, your words are not the same as aggrevators like Ben Gvir and your policies are not the same as Netenyahu’s, but because you’re Jewish, those things are all the same now in the eyes of many uneducated people.

It was the same with idiots attacking random (elderly!?) Chinese civilians on the street as a result of COVID lockdowns. The blame lies chiefly with the media and its incendiary bias towards all things that don’t align with their backward views, and allowing people like Trump to stand on a podium and address millions of people with lies and baseless claims.


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