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Donald Trump’s presidency pretty much removed any doubt I had about the official 9/11 story.

He proved that our government is full of regular idiots who are just barely able to work together. Of course the 3 letter agencies have a lot of power and fancy technology, but if the CIA or NSA was seriously that in control of this country, Trump would have never happened. He is a bumbling moron who did a ton of damage to this country and nobody lifted a finger apparently? Damaging alliances, burning undercover assets, etc.

Our Congress can’t work together long enough to pass basic bills. No way the Patriot act was planned with a false flag in mind.

The 9/11 conspiracy is just way too big and would need way too many participants to keep it under wraps like that.

Plus, every big disaster has conspiracy theories. If you believe all of them, you’re pretty much saying bad things never happen without the overlords planning them. 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, JFK assassination, RFK assassination, Pearl Harbor, and every other major event have had massive conspiracy theories and claims that they were inside jobs.

Yeah, the official story has holes but reality is messy. It was a big attack involving/affecting a lot of agencies, corporations, and people. It’s pretty much guaranteed that out of the measly 365 days in a year, a lot of these groups and individuals would be doing their “once a year” inspections, misremember details in their panic, deal with other terrorist attacks, intersect with ongoing crimes that were being committed separately, etc.

Seriously, a plane crashed into one of the biggest and wealthiest business centers in the world. The conspiracy theories write themselves no matter how clear the evidence is. Of course one of those companies has ties to foreign governments, obviously one of the CEOs is commiting fraud, one of the employees is bound to have worked for the government in a sensitive role. Imagine the ties you could find on one of the planes alone. Every plane in the sky right now has a politician’s relative, a political activist, a criminal, a foreign diplomat, high-ranking military, or all of the above. All of these things would spark a great conspiracy theory. Imagine the things you could find if you wanted to blame Boeing. Start looking into details about every employee they have and connect some dots. It’s easy.


Schools are absolutely guilty of underpaying teachers and overpaying admin. Many probably mismanage their funds to some degree. And a lot spend way too much on sports stadiums and other things they probably could do without.

But don’t forget, they also have to shell out tens of millions of dollars all at once when their infrastructure needs to be fixed or updated. If the student population grows, they may be on the hook to build entire hallways full of classrooms and the necessary technology for each room. Usually they sock money away knowing that things have limited lifespans. Even still, many unplanned expenses and planned updates have to wait due to lack of funding.

  1. Listening to AM 740 out of Toronto. I’m in the US but it comes over here. My grandma listened to it and I find it calming when I’m stressed because my grandma was the only person who truly loved me unconditionally and without question.

  2. Eat bits of granola cereal one at a time and chew them slowly. I don’t even really like it. It’s just such a simple food and I can kind of meditate on how simple it is.

  3. This isn’t odd but a hot bath. Truly a portal to another world for me.

  4. Listen to Dreamscape on YouTube and imagine dystopian fantasy/sci-fi worlds I could live in. Maybe I’m stranded on an alien planet, maybe I’m in a dark forest and creatures are hunting me, or maybe I’m driving through a foggy, wooded hillside and I see something weird I need to investigate. Whatever the scenario, it gives me an escape from emotions I don’t want to feel and allows me to create situations where I can feel whatever emotion I do need to feel.


It’s harmless and I love it, but it’s definitely odd my friend!


Dark Brandon isn’t meant to be serious. It’s meant to mock the Republicans who say, “Let’s go Brandon” (meaning fuck you Biden) and it references the conspiracy theory that he’s a devil-worshipping communist by referring to him as “dark.”

Anytime you see Dark Brandon, it’s the left mocking the extreme right for being idiots.


I have ADHD and I personally wish I could adopt some personality traits from people I find admirable!

I’m just so me all the time even when I try very hard to be aware of myself and how I’m presenting.

So impulsive.


Careful with this. Downloading pirated content can definitely be illegal depending on where you live.

It’s just not usually enforced as heavily as redistributing.

3 points

It’s no giraffes.

3 points

It’s real! Just wanted to experiment after seeing this post and this was the first thing that happened. Threw up the screenshots immediately. Hilarious.


Blandon Blanderson? Kidding.

He’s a great storyteller and a good-but-not-great writer. He excels in slow-burns with big payoffs. He hasn’t written any page-turners but the stories are very sturdy, well-considered, and rewarding.

His worlds are realistic in a sense because they aren’t full of whimsy and they’re not very inviting. But that’s what makes them feel real.

The characters aren’t 3 dimensional but they’re not flat either. I’d call them 2-dimensional in that they have flaws and a growth arc, but not a ton of complexity beyond that.

The dialogue and his ability to describe fights/battle tactics/magic physics are a place where he shines.

Personally, I probably won’t read any of his other books unless someone tells me he has written something entirely fresh and different than his other works. But I’m still very glad to have read a few of his works. They definitely set a new bar for creative magic systems. His magic systems are phenomenal.
