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I actually appreciate the humor in the lyrics.

That said, it drives me nuts when people don’t consider syllable counts in parody songs.

“This’ll be the day that I die” can’t be sung to the same tune as “soon I’ll be a rich guy.”

Probably should have gone with “soon I’ll be a very rich guy.” But the rest of the parody is written the same way unfortunately, so it’d all need to be fixed.

I’m fun at parties.


Popular club sucked too.

I got added to it for a top post once. I opened the popular subreddit and the top post was something like, “Well, I’m here. Now what?”

I knew immediately it was dumb.

I think “secret” communities can be good when they’re for a specialized interest. But they don’t even have to be secret. Even just niche is great.

For example, the discord for the game PolyBridge is fucking incredible. I mean, it kind of sucks right now because they just released PolyBridge 3, so a lot of new people have (temporarily) joined.

But there are regulars who post hourly years after PolyBridge releases. There is even this one person called Arglin who posts absurdly complex essays on geometry and new discoveries within the game. They could be dissertations on mathematics.

If anyone is still reading this, I have to tell you about the Linkage Repository. This document is insane. For an Indie studio’s bridge building game lol.


I mean, it’s a brilliant business decision, I’ll give them that. By doing this, they are over-hyping the capabilities of their product while also trying to avoid government regulation. Reminds me of how the video game industry pre-emptively started the ESRB in order to avoid government crackdowns on mature content while also bragging about how bloody and badass some of their games are. And the fact that Open AI’s user count just dropped for the first time since release is, of course, pure coincidence.

“Our AI is so good, it’s dangerous - just like your favorite sci-fi movie. But don’t worry, we are going to police ourselves, so no need to regulate us.”

I do think that AI actually could become an issue in the near-ish future. LLMs are probably going to be the basis for the “language part of the brain” in any future AI. But we have a lot of steps between now and then I think.


Every. Single. Post.

“You need a divorce. This is gaslighting and abuse. He/She does not respect you as a woman/man.”

I remember this one post where a guy asked his girlfriend if she would bite the bullet and help the women in his very conservative family cook Thanksgiving dinner once per year. He was super apologetic but explained that the women in the family got super pissed and offended by women not cooking. He had already tried talking to them and they weren’t having it. He was between a rock and a hard place. Clearly he didn’t know what to do.

Reddit flipped their shit and said the guy had to choose between his girlfriend and his family. Obviously I am against traditional, conservative, gender-role bullshit. But I have dealt with plenty of shit to have a good relationship with my wife’s imperfect family. And she has dealt with tons of shit to put up with my imperfect family. A good relationship is two people who do things for the other person. It’s reciprocal and kind, even in unpleasant situations. This guy didn’t choose his family and he won’t change them. All they can do is choose to do it differently in their own house and raise their children differently.

I hate the relationship subreddits. Hot garbage.


Use Liftoff for Lemmy!

I just made the switch from Jerboa (unreliable) and Connect (missing features and unreliable). Liftoff seems to have everything I want from a Reddit-adjacent website.


Ah yes, I remember when Lockheed Martin tricked poor, innocent Russia into invading Ukraine.


Save yourself the trouble and use Liftoff. I mean, if Jerboa is working for you reliably then great! I myself had a lot of connectivity issues and generally found it difficult to navigate the settings and instances/communities. Liftoff is so smooth.


I absolutely love seeing Trump Nazis and Tankies both spouting Russian propaganda.

It’s a refreshing reminder that politics isn’t a spectrum - it’s a circle. If you go too far left or too far right, you loop right back around. Another way to view it - if you add hate and intolerance into your politics, you end up a piece of shit no matter which side you’re on.


Interesting post, thanks for sharing it. I hadn’t heard of horseshoe theory.

I don’t have a lot of empathy for hardcore right-wingers generally, but when I do try to think about them empathetically, I actually think their worldview and hatred comes from the same thing you described about Tankies - a feeling of impotence against the powers that be and an inability to change an unjust world.

A lot of the Trumpers I meet are just so scared of everything. They look back nostalgically on America’s more successful and comfortable years. In their minds, it was the hippies and liberals who changed everything for the worse. In their mind, the liberals are the ones destroying the family unit, moving jobs overseas, etc. They look at their dead towns and see evidence of a place that used to be thriving. I think they just feel hopeless and angry.

Obviously they are misguided, but I can at least follow the train of thought.
