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Meanwhile in Alabama, things are so backwards there they haven’t even figured out shoes yet! It’s not like they prefer sandals or they’re too poor to afford shoes. They all go around barefoot, because the idea of shoes just has never occured to any of them. Most buildings instead have special brush ledges so you can scrape the dirt and blood off your feet before you walk in. Again, they’re just a hopelessly backwards people. So backwards, they haven’t even figured out shoes yet. Their cousins over in Mississippi are a bit further along. MSU currently has a study going where they’re experimenting with wrapping feet in ziplock bags, secured with rubber bands.


All real men spring forth, fully formed, from Zeus’s brow.


Perfect! It’s so wonderfully absurd. I love it! Behind the scenes, there’s some exasperated White House bureaucrat quietly cutting checks to the victims for 10x the damages they suffered. The whole Executive Branch is basically running on auto-pilot, as the actual president convinces himself he’s this super evil criminal. In reality it’s just sad.


What if the person breaking into Kamala’s house is Clarence Thomas?


The bigger problem is that people who buy guns for home defense are acting emotionally, not logically. The cold hard statistical truth is that if you own a firearm, it is most likely to be used by yourself or one of your family members to commit suicide, or to be the cause of a fatal accident, than it is to be used in self defense.

People have this deeply flawed belief about suicide that if someone wants to do it, they’ll find a way. But that isn’t how suicide actually works. Most actual suicides are spur-of-the moment things. And giving someone access, in their, home, to a quick and usually painless method of ending their own life serves to massively increase the risk of suicide. Everyone has bad days. Everyone who lives long enough and isn’t a psychopath will experience deep sorrow. In a drunken sorrow on the night after a bad breakup or the death of a close relative? It doesn’t take much for people to be vulnerable to the call of the void.

Yes, break-ins are scary. But the truth is, most thieves try NOT to break in when someone is home. And home invasions for rape, murder, or kidnapping are even rarer. There are a lot of scary things in this world, but you shouldn’t let that fear control your behavior. Rabies is a damn terrible thing, but it would be incredibly irrational to avoid going on a hike just due the risk of encountering a rabid wild animal.

In the US at least, if you own a gun, it is far, far likelier that that weapon will be used to end your life or life of one of your family members than it will end be used in self defense.

This is why I do not own a firearm. Yes, home invasions are terrifying. But if you own a weapon for the sake of home defense, you are letting your emotions and fear control your life. The simple statistical fact is that, on the net, buying a gun lowers your average expected lifespan.


As long as you only drive it on your own ranch, fine. But when you take your vehicle off your property, it becomes everyone else’s business.


It’s scientific data, and considering the context, the rightful property of all mankind. Give it universally to any an all.


The seemingly straightforward solution is that SpaceX needs to be legally required to get into the radio astronomy business. As part of being allowed to launch such noisy satellites. If they are going to wreck radio astronomy on Earth’s surface, they should have to launch orbital radio telescopes of such quality and quantity that SpaceX is actually a vast net boon on radio astronomy. This should simply be a legally required cost of doing business if they want to launch so many noisy satellites. Yes, these orbital telescopes would have a finite lifespan and need to be regularly replaced to be updated, but thankfully the greatest rocket company on Earth will be legally required to launch them regularly.


I agree. There are of course a lot more ways that one can SA someone else than simply PIV. But again, we’re dealing with a lot of deep cultural memory here. Up until a few decades ago, in most areas only PIV intercourse even counted as rape. Legally in many countries, it isn’t even possible for a woman to commit rape against another woman. A lot of historical anti-rape law wasn’t even really about sexual assault. It was a more patriarchal thing. When you raped a woman you took the most valuable thing she had - her virginity. It was almost more of a property crime than a violation of personhood and bodily autonomy. We’ve mostly left these extremely outdated legal traditions behind, but a lot of the cultural memory persists. There are still plenty of people out there who don’t even consider cis lesbian sex to BE sex. There’s a lot of backwards beliefs out there.

And yeah, asking people with such archaic beliefs about sex to understand the subtleties of anatomy changes on HRT? Well good luck with that! Obviously I know from experience things change a ton, but most cis people don’t even know what trans HRT is. Most just assume everything trans people do is from surgeries of various sorts. If you polled random cis people about the effects of trans HRT on genitalia, less than 5 percent would probably be able to accurately answer questions on it. If cis people do have any exposure to trans bits, it’s mostly through trans porn. And the actresses that do that all usually have to go off HRT for a period to do those shots. Most cis people are just hopelessly ignorant about all things trans.
