Worst part about internet communities is people still not understanding that no matter how dumb a thing is, there is always at least one without the knowledge who will try it themselves. Not everybody has the needed education, so what harm is there in writing a comment specifically mentioning and explaining the problem.
Wow, das lesen des Artikels macht echt wütend. Genau für solche Fälle zahlt man doch gerne Steuern/Versicherungsbeiträge.
Was für ein menschenverachtendes Denken hinter so einer Entscheidung steckt ist schon gruselig.
Genau für solche Artikel ist es dann immer gut, dass es die Presse gibt und man hoffentlich darüber genügend Druck aufbauen kann, dass dieses Unrecht wieder gut gemacht wird.
Team Cherry delivered a master piece by taking their time and releasing it when it was done.
So I have full faith in them and will hope the community also continues to has the patience to not pester them.
You are technically right that the water heater softens the water a bit by precipitating the minerals around the heating element and thereby removing them from the water. But that is energy inefficient and expensive, since you normally don’t use a water heater to soften your water but rather to get warm water. So putting another system in front of the heater that softens it first is better than replacing the heat element every so often.
If you are an EU citizen and agree with the initiative: GO VOTE!
It still needs to reach 1 million votes in total, not only the 7 country thresholds.
Remember: WAIT!
They cancelled the beta. So something was SO wrong with the game, that they didn’t want the public to find out about.
I hope it will be a good game, because the first was fun to play, but we will find that out after it released.
Yeah, that’s the part I never understood.
“Let’s make Jews only merchants and bankers”
“Why are so many rich persons jewish???”
It just shows again: being hateful disables your cognitive functions.