As a non American from what I understand about the electoral collage is the land has more say.
Didn’t realise the kings in Edinburgh was struggling with the refub.
Aye 2 weeks aff. Im on a legacy contract which includes a stupid amount of holidays. All except the xmas/new year ones are floating and i get i think its 35 days. I struggle to take them all but ill fight to the death to keep them. Not sure if we will get to do anything though as my wife is still annoyingly busy.
Caught the rugby traffic on the train coming home from Glasgow this morning which was annoying. Night out with my wife at the kings theatre. and a stay on one of the hardest hotel beds i have had to deal with in a long time.
Was a gid night oot though. Nice mid point to my “summer” holidays.
I know this one. Turns out it’s Mr. Urns glowing green in the forest
The one that gets me is watching a new creator to me on a subject I’m interest in e.g. gaming and it turns out that said creator so has a right wing nut job catalogue and that’s all that fella my feed for the next two weeks.
My time is limited I just want to relax on my down time and ain’t interested in rage bait but that’s all yhe algorithm seems to want to show me every chance it gets by me clicking on a new name