What’s the actual answer? The Dems didn’t lie their assess off to entice a bigger base by promising the impossible? They didn’t decide to burn a hundred bridges on the international stage for the sake of building one right to your door? What’s the “real” answer? If you want to vote for your ideal politician, go run for office.
replied in wrong thread
Electoral College: your vote’s power = (People / Arbitrarily Defined Land Area) because fuck you, that’s why.
Genocide is absolutely on the ballot. That lady up there said she’ll do everything in her power to stop the war. You’re advocating for throwing your hands in the air and leaving it to chance. That’s horrifying.
As much as I love that insult (“delusional wishcasting child” is excellent), that’s not me. I’m quite grounded in reality. That reality is as follows:
Even if you became president tomorrow, stabbed a bunch of senators to death, and forced the US to withdraw all military aid from Israel, blood would continue to flow like a river. The U.S. has influence right now. Throwing that influence away would leave Israel seeking other allies, like Russia, who would have no qualms about absolutely ratfucking every living person in the Gaza strip for money and influence.
The reality is that the entire situation is super fucked, has been for a very long time, and won’t magically fix itself by a washing of hands. The least bloody way forward is diplomacy. The fastest path to peace is killing everyone on one side. Israel has no reason (in their insane leadership’s mind) to pursue diplomacy, and the only reason they even pretend to is to make the U.S. happy.