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I used Ubuntu for years, but the forcing of snap really killed it for me.

Ubuntu used to be synonymous with stability and compatibility. It was always a little bloated and slower than a bunch of others. But that was the price for stability…

It is probably still stable but compatibility has taken a back seat. This is what really annoyed me enough to switch.

I’m on Mint now, it is really nice. Flatpak is much better than Snap, my only real issue is the MASSIVE size of flatpak downloads.


It is a marathon not a sprint, every step counts. Just because this isn’t already perfect doesn’t mean that it is unimportant.


I just wish everyone would switch to Firefox.

It is because Chrome has a monopoly, is close enough to monopoly.


Key sentence here

While bad news for dairy, the study found employment and economic output would be boosted in a scenario where farmers switched to growing crops, which would also result in significant reductions in emissions and nutrient loss.

So I see this as a win-win-win.

Another interesting point

“I can’t see parents ever being happy putting lab-grown meat and milk in their kids’ lunchboxes… it’s just not gonna happen,” Federated Farmers dairy chair Richard McIntyre said.

Mr McIntyre is engaging in wishful thinking here, if the lab-grown alternative is half the cost, I’m sure parents will be only too happy to put it in the lunch boxes of the kids…some of the crap that gets put in now is amazing…


A crime, no, concerning sure.

What is causing the drop?


Many years ago, I was supervising at a supermarket checkout. An older lady (late 50’s / early 60’s) started berating one of the young checkout girls, she was newish about 16yo.

I over heard, it was hard not to after a little while. I walked over, I was 19 at the time. I’m not a big guy 5’9" and weighed around 60kg (checks math…132lb). The old woman sees me and begins to go into a rant, to which I simply said, get the fuck out of my store. It was latish (8:30pm), there were no managers left in store.

She went into (what is now called) full karen mode, ranting about calling my manager. I got a bit pf paper and wrote my managers and the store managers numbers down with their names and said, “go ahead, call them”. She quickly calmed down and went to go stand back in line…I said, “no I told you to get out”.


Dear Americans, I’m not writing this to gloat… But what the fuck have you let happen to your country. Health care is a human right!

I’m currently in hospital, for a second time in a month. First time, I came in with a “very nasty pneumonia”, which turned into sepsis, I needed surgery to help clear the crap from my lung. They sent me home after 14 days. They also flew me from my local small hospitals to the bigger one I’m in now.

I was home for 4 days and started getting severe chest pains around my heart. So I’m back, feeling way better now, is a long weekend so no doctors to make decisions… I’m stuck in here till Tuesday at least. On Tuesday it will be a total of 24 days. Various medications and treatments etc…

My expected bill at the end of all of this is $0.00.

The only real cost is the gas from hour each way for my family coming to visit. All meals are covered.

I honestly have no idea how much my time here is costing the national health service. The are no numbers discussed, everything is just what you need to get better.


Just general karma whoring…


What is to stop Biden from cancelling the upcoming election?

Being now his powers are effectively unchecked, couldn’t he just call off the election as an official act. Rather than stupid shit like ordering assassination or deploying the military, just say “I’m cancelling the election until such time this ruling is overturned and a constitutional amendment is enacted that states that the president is not immune from criminal prosecution”
