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I live outside the US market. As a rule I’ll pay for whatever content is legally available in my country (netflix, disney+, steam etc) however there are certain publishers and/or content which is simply not offered through any channel. At that point they aren’t going to see $ from me in any case, so I may as well pirate.


AliExpress has been solid for the past few years. There’s indeed some sketchy sh*t there but it’s usually pretty obvious what to avoid. And, of course, expect to get what you pay for… a $5 tshirt isn’t going to be the same quality as a $25 one from Amazon.


yeah nobody calls to “step in and end” anything for a sovereign country. Good luck trying to “step in” to China, Russia etc. Same for Israel. If you want to dissolve the military then you are welcome to go over there and give it a try.


I doubt that you will be swayed by facts, but just for the record: in 2000 Israel offered Hamas to become a fully sovereign nation on 100% of Gaza’s territory (and 95% of the West Bank) with East Jerusalem as their capital. Hamas declined. In 2005 Israel voluntarily disengaged from Gaza and enabled self-rule, hoping this would be a step towards peace. It wasn’t. In 2011 there was another offer for a “two states for two peoples” solution, Hamas once again rejected it.

None of this is surprising since the Hamas is a fanatic Muslim group following the most militant tenets of Islam. Their publicly-stated charter is to utterly destroy Israel (“drive the jews into the sea”) and create a Muslim nation on the entire area of Palestine. So anything less than that is a non-starter. Any Jew left alive in Israel means that they haven’t finished yet.

Note that there’s nothing in the charter about the Palestinian people - The Hamas takes no civic or sovereign responsibility for the population which they govern. In other words, Hamas sees the Palestinian people as a consumable resource in their fight to bring Islam to 100% of the territory historically referred to as “Palestine”. So building tunnels under schools and hospitals is allowed. Diverting humanitarian aid to the military infrastructure while the population starves is fine. Indoctrinating children from kindergarten about the glory of killing Jews is standard procedure. etc. Using the Gaza residents as human shields is valuable both for reducing Hamas casualties as well as increasing collateral damage which makes Israel “look bad” in the international community.

Compromise is difficult because when negotiating with someone who wants you dead, how do you meet them halfway ?


They’re asking not for the info, they are asking to see how you communicate (ie “soft skills”). Your response immediately demonstrates that you do not like people, are probably a PITA to interact with, and will have a hard time collaborating with any other humans who do not think exactly like you do. The good news is that soft skills are skills, and as such they can be learned and improved on.


Atheism. Most of the atrocities in the world are driven by religion. As the saying goes “good people will do good, bad people will do bad. When good people do bad, there’s probably a religion involved”


onion slicing factory?


Excellent write up! Israeli here. Everything you wrote is spot on. There’s obviously a lot more you didn’t cover, but it’s a good intro :D


The system is rigged against you. Any “gameable” aspect of the system which could be used to even the playing field is either regulated (ie you need a specific license) or billed in such as way to make it unprofitable (or at least transfer all the risk to you).


Go has a much cleaner syntax, and is better suited to its specific niche which is (relatively) low-level BE development. If you are attracted to that niche then Go is an excellent option. Also, Go is almost a default for developing for K8S, which might be another plus.

On the other hand, JS is a more general-use language. It has a very loosey-goosey syntax and lots of weird behaviors. It is applicable on both FE and BE but be aware that in each of those, knowing JS is just a first step, since (for example) for FE development you will also need to know at least one of the major frameworks (React, Vue, Angular etc) as well as the page object model and a ton of other stuff.

Bottom line- usually the language is the tool, not the objective. Figure out what you want to develop, then choose the optimal language to do it with.
