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Chris Remington
317 posts • 441 comments

Volunteer amateur systems administrator for Beehaw. Stay-at-home dad. Outdoor enthusiast.

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I, really, don’t believe that normal everyday people (across the globe) would be able to do anything. To explain, governments and corporations are the ones that can bring about the most change.


I’m interested in hearing more about France in this context, please.


The ‘lone man on the mountain’ idea is a myth.


It’s a microchip. For now it will remain in place.


I will never endorse nor recommend cryptocurrency as a sound investment. In my opinion, from all that I’ve read about it, I believe cryptocurrency is one of the largest scams of our modern time.

A close friend of mine, that I’ve known for thirty years, is a CPA and has a master’s degree in finance. I’ve double checked with him over the past decade about all of this. If he believed cryptocurrency was a good investment, then he would be doing so and advising me to do so as well.

He hasn’t done either.


Grappling with what is the ‘right’ thing to do in any situation has come slow to me since I was raised in an abusive home. The abuse came from many angles and one of them was religious abuse caused by the gullibility and ignorance of my parents.

While I was attending university I was able to start the long process of recovery. There was a particular author that helped me tremendously in those early years. Namely, Abraham Joshua Heschel, who wrote a book entitled: God in Search of Man : A Philosophy of Judaism.

Here are some quotes:

Theology starts with dogmas. Philosophy sees the problem first; theology has the answer in advance. Philosophy is a kind of thinking that has a beginning but no end; the problems outlive all solutions.

We teach children how to measure and weigh, but fail to teach them how to revere, how to sense wonder and awe. Modern man fell into the trap of believing all enigmas can be solved and wonder is a form of ignorance. Mankind will not perish for want of information, but for want of appreciation.

What is, is more than what you see; we are unable to attain insight into the ultimate meaning and purpose of things. We live on the fringe of reality and hardly know how to reach the core. Inaccessible to us are the insights into the nature of ultimate reality. Even what is revealed is incomplete and in disguise.

Awe is an act of insight into a meaning greater than ourselves. Knowledge is fostered by curiosity; wisdom is fostered by awe. Awe is the awareness of transcendent meaning; loss of awe is a great blockage to insight.

“The ineffable” is a synonym for hidden meaning rather than for absence of meaning, a dimension so real and sublime that it stuns our ability to adore it. All creative thinking comes out of an encounter with the unknown. It is a fact of profound significance that we can sense more than we can say.

The world as scrutinized and depicted by science is but a thin surface of the profoundly unknown.


…a Jewish organization wouldn’t want to incorporate or support something that’s against Judaism…

I’ve been involved in academic biblical studies for over 30 years. There is NO biblical NOR Talmudic prohibition against LGBTQ.

These misunderstandings (and sometimes this is just straight up intentional bigotry) are almost always formed in conservative and/or fundamentalist religious groups.
