Idk wtf is wrong with all of my countrymen, those are three things we NEED to change.
It’s so fucking funny to me because they’re probably the same type of Americans that are like “oH aMeRiCa iS sO tOuGh nOt lIkE tHoSe SiSsY cOuNtRiEs iN tHe EU” but here they are all butt hurt when other countries make VERY VALID CRITICISMS about us
I understand what you’re saying, but in regards to your anecdote, and in my opinion, cars were a mistake lol
They’re definitely useful but we shouldn’t have gone as full in on them as we did. And it’s not the loss of the horse I care about, it’s the street car trolley that every city seemed to have but then removed at the behest of automakers.
Sorry to go off topic lmao, just wanted to throw my two useless cents in
Yeah, my parents had the talk with me when they found my physical, irl folder of printed hentai art (this was like, 2002ish and I didn’t have my own PC and I didn’t have a Pornstation Portable sadly (PSP))
The “talk” was my parents sitting me down, telling me what my mom found, and then my mom getting up and telling my dad to talk to me about it, and she left, and then my dad just told me not to look at it until I was older and that was it -__-
Boomer parenting hell yeah
I was about to say “I’m drug free!” But then I read your first three listed drugs and was like fuck, I forgot that weed, alcohol, and caffeine were drugs lmao. They’re just legal.
Weed and alcohol is very rare for me, maybe once or twice a month, but I literally depend on caffeine as an antidepressant.
I should probably see a therapist.
It may be due to many different factors, but I’ve noticed a lot of content from my niche subs just downright fuckin sucks now. Like, a lot of posts are stupid af, either being a question that is very easily googled, or some sort of “pick me” bitch post try to low-key show off and humblebrag about something.
There used to be really good content like write-ups, visual guides, or discussion builders, but it feels like a lot of it is just grabbing at the low hanging fruit for fake internet points
I know you were joking, but luckily my high school really wasn’t too bad when it came to bullying. Like, there were the cliques that beefed, but there weren’t any like, actual bullies. I think what helped was that all of the really big dudes (I was a “small” big dude, at 6’2" 200lbs) we’re all nerds, and we protected the small nerds. We couldn’t let anyone hurt any of our WoW guildees haha