Fighting the surveillance capitalist project.
All things open-source and commie
@jackpot Then they ask what’s a bios? what’s a product key? how do boot from USB? there is huge details your missing maybe for a Linux native 15 minutes seams reasonable but my first install took maybe 45 mins, and I’m tech competent.
Also people will be asking how do they copy over their data already on windows. The other question for many is why would I want to? sadly the general population doesnt care about open source
@JackbyDev in a parking space on the other side of the road from my house, not far but deals with the whole house fire problem
@Strit @blakeus12 forgot about element, but its sadly quite a terrible client on Linux. although that could be the fault of my nvidia graphics
@thegreenguy @TCB13 yep this exactly I first used gnome on a laptop and the experience is great the gesture support makes all the workspaces and different overviews work perfectly
then I started using it on desktop and it just doesn’t work the same. it feels clunky and far from as smooth.
@nottheengineer well thanks for letting me know anyway, this probably explains a lot of the docker issues I have been encountering which are “snap only” problems, despite me installing through apt
@sab @OsrsNeedsF2P @GustavoM @Kidplayer_666 @db2 @AngrilyEatingMuffins @bear I bet these idiots don’t even butter their drivers before baking them into the kernel
@JuxtaposedJaguar @andrr_464 that’s better than most people, j know people who don’t even try remember their passwords and just do forget password everytime