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Reminds me of a classic Finnish sketch. Don’t worry, there are English subtitles.



Samaa mieltä. Näkisin yhtenä suurena ongelmana myös sen, että kynnys kokeilemiseen nousee merkittävästi mikäli käyttäjiä joutuu luomaan – toki Areena taisi olla jo valmiiksi suomen suosituin striimauspalvelu, mutta kuitenkin. Ihmiset on yllättävän laiskoja ja käyttäjän tai kirjautuminen ylipäätään on rasittava hidaste, joka madaltaa käyttäjämääriä varmasti. Itsekin olen vaihtanut esimerkiksi VPS-tarjoajia kun ovat menneet rikkomaan pitkäaikaisen kirjautumisen tahallaan niin, ettei laite pysy kirjautuneena pysyvästi vaan potkitaan ulos aina päivän välein.

Perustelut vaikuttaa vähän ontuvilta, esimerkiksi sisällön tekijänoikeuksien valvonnan suhteen YLE harvemmin näyttää sisältöä, jonka levitysoikeuksien omistajaa ihmeemmin kiinnostaa piratismi. Tyypillisesti elokuvat ovat klassikoita tai taide-elokuvia, muu sisältö YLE:n omaa tuotantoa ja vanhempia sarjoja, joiden piratismi tuskin haittaa ketään sen suuremmin. Esimerkiksi Redditin puolella on palloteltu teoriaa siitä, että YLE:n johdon tulospalkkiot olisi sidottu rekisteröityneiden käyttäjien määriin, ja tuon päättömän toiminnan perusteella siinä vaikuttaisi olevan ainakin jotain perää – varmaan tuon voisi jostain pöytäkirjoista tarkistaa. Harmi kyllä, sillä kunnollinen jokseenkin riippumattomasti rahoitettu vaihtoehto uutisten ja tiedon hankkimiseen on käytännössä välttämätöntä toimivalle demokratialle.


Guy should slow it down with the withdrawals from Homie Equity Line Of Credit, Tesla is getting stampeded by the more established manufacturers left and right and I don’t really see what he should be compensated for, apart from apparently trying to use the company as his personal piggy bank.

In the last few years they’ve lost the budget EV market to Chinese manufacturers despite BYD cars burning down like candles in a forest fire, conservative German manufacturers like Daimler have caught up in regards to autonomous driving and are making further progress, products are stuck in development hell etc. etc.

It’s a really valid point to raise – what exactly has he done lately to deserve the payout? The situation in 2018 was a bit different, but the amount would’ve been well on the outrageous side even back when the stock was rocketing and the recent controversies weren’t all yet a thing.

11 points

There are different versions for interior and exterior use, using different types of glue. At least OSB/0 and OSB/1 can be used for internal applications and are considered safe. Not that I would trust a landlord doing this to select the correct board type, especially since the safe variants might have some issues with the humidity exposure in a kitchen.

But there still are many cases for using OSB indoors, e.g. behind drywall to give it some more strength (instead of more expensive plywood). Wouldn’t want to leave it exposed in a kitchen though, it’ll get messy if it’s not properly treated, and in the picture it doesn’t seem to be.


For local usage on linux there’s virt-manager, has been good enough for my use at least, and the integrated spice client has relatively good graphics performance for normal desktop use.

Edit: don’t know about a good gui for running qemu on windows, though


Wouldn’t say so, loads of people and organisations use it as a pseudo-CDN of sorts AFAIK


Many do, for long term archival at least, but tape still has only 30 years lifespan and has other limitations. As an example, the media wears relatively quickly when in use, so if there’s a need to access the data even relatively often optical media would make sense. That’s often not an issue in archival though.


I find it funny how whoever originally created this meme somehow ended up using a picture of Macintosh II (or IIx, IIfx) to represent a computer. An over 30 yo mahcine, which while capable of speech synthesis is not going to talk to you without being requested, unless you’ve configured something very incorrectly.

Feels a bit like a floppy disk still being the save icon; computers are still being presented with floppy drives and a CRT monitor in clip-art and such.


Yep, should’ve probably clarified that I’m personally not talking about the US. Housing costs are included in HICP (the index in Europe) but not the cost of purchase AFAIK, only the cost of ownership, calculated via more direct means like rent or energy costs.


Should’ve probably included where I’m from, that being Europe, more specifically Finland. As far as I know our index for inflation (HICP) sourced from ECB hasn’t so far taken into account OOHC (owner-occupied housing cost) and has focused more on rents and other costs of living. Proposed roadmaps for changing the official indices would back this understanding, unless I’m interpreting something very incorrectly.

There’s some rent controls in place in most European countries, so rents aren’t tightly coupled with house prices in many locations. As such, for specific dwellings it can often be cheaper to rent than to own, since rent increases are regulated at least a bit, but cost to purchase the unit altogether is not. In many more expensive cities there’s also the issue of units not being available to rent, since the rents don’t directly reflect the market value of the rented unit.

Though including OOHC to the calculations will cause some difficulties when you take into account more rural areas, where the value of housing can not only go down, but actually be negative. In rural Finland there are cases where you can actually be paid to get a whole apartment complex out of someone’s hands, since the costs outweigh whatever rent you can get out of the place. People are opening shell companies and selling stock in an apartment complex (a peculiarity of the local system called limited liability housing companies, or asunto-osakeyhtiö) to them at a loss, to get rid of paying for upkeep.
