Jep, uskomushoito on erittäin osuva nimi homeopatia yms. hoitomuodoille, joissa koko hoidon teho riippuu nimenomaan siitä, että sen tehoon uskoo. Itsekin olen tässä viranomaisten kanssa siitä ettei kaiken maailman pseudotieteilyä tarvitse olla mahdollistamassa ja tekemässä legitiimiksi kielivalinnoilla
Kieltämättä olen pohjimmiltaan samaa mieltä, että ylipäätään koko “hoito” sanan liittäminen noihin huijauksiin on kyseenalaista. Puoskarilakiahan puuhattiin reilu vuosikymmen sitten, mutta sen valmistelu lopetettiin hieman heikoin perustein, kuten alkamalla vaatimaan rehellisempää markkinointia “vaihtoehtoisia hoitomuotoja” tarjoavilta yrityksiltä – usein noiden vaihtoehtojen markkinointi ei ole rehellistä nähnytkään, mutta siihen ei vielä puututa asian vaatimalla vakavuudella. Onhan noista jotain positiivisia ennakkotapauksia, mutta omasta mielestä harhaanjohtavaan markkinointiin saisi puuttua rankemmallakin kädellä ja huomattavasti matalammalla kynnyksellä.
Jos meillä on Valio joutunut lopettamaan Voimariinin myymisen vanhalla nimellä koska se ei ole 100% voita, niin voisi tuon puoskaroinnin kanssa olla huomattavasti tiukempikin nykylain puitteissa.
Well, in this case it might even be a technological limitation, which can be solved with a workaround but leads to a poor user experience.
Firefox, for security reasons, doesn’t allow opening local files for writing. That means, it’s not possible to make a web application that can autosave to your machine after you open a file, meaning you have to download a new version of the file every time you save. You can get around this issue by importing the files in question to the browser’s local storage, or by using cloud storage via an API, but local saving is a feature that people have come to expect and missing it will lead to complaints from the users.
The missing API is called File System Access API and has been available on Chrome for years. I’ve personally had to write my web apps around this limitation multiple times, since I want to support Firefox. By no means is this a valid reason to exclude Firefox in my opinion, but I can also easily see why a company would want to not bother with user feedback on ctrl+s not working in their web application.
My best guess is the dates on which the feature was added, which can also be seen on CanIUse. Firefox added OPFS support in March this year, and much of the userbase (AFAIK e.g. Firefox ESR) is still lacking the feature – in any case it’s a very recent change on Firefox. However, webkit/Safari has had OPFS for over two years by now. I was personally unaware of the support having been added to Firefox as well, last time I checked the discussion they told they weren’t going to implement the API.
By no means is this an acceptable excuse in my opinion, this kind of check should always be done by checking the existence of the feature, not the UA string. Though it might be that the check is still performed in the correct way as Safari users stuck on older version are also encountering the issue. But if they’re fine with using OPFS, where you need to export the files separately to access them outside the browser context (as the storage is private), there’s no reason to complain about recent Firefox versions that support this feature.
But, the same point still stands, kind of. The main underlying problem is Google forcing new standards through Chromium, without waiting for industry consensus and a proper standard. Then, as 80% of the userbase already has the feature everyone else is forced to get on board. I still don’t really see Adobe as the main culprit here, despite the apparent incompetence in writing compatibility checks, but Google with their monopolistic practices with the Chromium project. Adobe isn’t innocent and has done the industry a lot of harm in the form of being one of the original pushers of subscription software, but I don’t think this instance should be attributed to malice rather than incompetence.
Edit: So, a bit of additional advice for someone trying to get this to work: in case the UA spoofing doesn’t help, check the Firefox version in use – it has to be 111 or newer, as 111 was the release where File System API support was added. Firefox ESR probably doesn’t have it available. Also check that FS API / OPFS doesn’t need to be enabled through some flag or configuration parameter, and that it’s not blocked by some plugin.
And we’ve nowadays taken it even further, in spoken Finnish we’ve even got rid of the “hän” and mostly use “se”, which is the Finnish word for “it”. The same pronoun is used for people in all forms, animals, items, institutions and so on, and in practice the only case for “hän” is people trying to remind others they consider their pets human.
Context will tell which one it is.
A mercury arc rectifier. The mercury vapor is ionized, and used for increasing the current carrying capacity of the component – compared to how much a traditional valve design with complete vacuum would work.
In short, it makes DC out of AC.
Itsellä on ollut oman puhelimen modeemi lukittuna NR+LTE (4g+5g) verkkoihin yli kaksi vuotta, yllättää aina miten 3g-verkolla on edelleen suhteellisen paljon käyttäjiä. Ennen tätä mulla oli luuri lukittuna pelkkään 4g-verkkoon heti kun Elisa sai silloiselle kapulalle VoLTE:n käyttöön.
Oma kokemus 3g-verkosta on se, että linjat on niin tukossa ja täynnä, että usein verkkosivuja ei saa ladattua ollenkaan. Lisäksi junien verkonvahvistus aiheuttaa luurilla ongelmaa, kun laite ei ymmärrä, että 0/4 pykäläinen 5g on silti parempi signaali kuin “täysi” 3g. (pienempi latenssi ja suurempi kaistanleveys)
Kaupungissa 4g:lläkään ei usein tee enää mitään kun käyttäjiä on liikaa. Ei tule ikävä, saadaan taajuudet parempaan käyttöön ja long range 5g:lle enemmän kanavia.
Jep, vaihtoehtoisesti parempi rele – itse laittaisin hiukka enemmän rahaa ja kytkisin din-kiskoon pistorasian ja jonkun finderin tms. laadukkaan valmistajan relepalikan missä speksit riittää kunnolla tarvittaessa jatkuvaankin 16A virtaan.
Sitten releeseen ohjaus ajastimella.
Dec Vax 8530 – julkaistu vuonna 1987, eli kuva on varmaankin jostain 80-90 -lukujen taitteesta. Ysärillä lienee jo tullut jotain muuta tautaa tilalle, SPARC tms.
Ei ole itellekään tuttuja iän puolesta mutta retrokoneet ja legacy-ohjelmointi on jollain asteella harrastuksia.
Not an expert on this, but I’d assume one thing is that in 3-2-3 two people need to stand up and give way if the person in the window seat wants to stretch their legs or go to the toilet. 2-4-2 only one person has to get out of the way in all situations. Would guess that’s actually somewhat important in widebodies since those are used on longer routes, and having to stand up twice as often in the aisle seat would be something of an inconvenience.
There’s probably more, I’d guess that would also affect boarding times and so on, but this is the first thing that comes to mind.