Full time IT consultant, part-time gamer and martial artist. I’m just a Linux ubuntu noob user, and a FOSS, privacy and Self-Host lifetime learner.
I’m still using it. I binded 1337 and torrGalaxy and so far, not a single issue as far as results.
I’m still using it. I binded 1337 and torrGalaxy and so far, not a single issue as far as results.
I’m still using it. I binded 1337 and torrGalaxy and so far, not a single issue as far as results.
Which ones are open source?
Which ones are open source?
The shot where Julia is looking back from the hill and the crowd is reunited in the cafeteria is top-notch. By the way, how the hell did she discovered the tape solution? If I’m not mistaken, they don’t explain that part. Maybe I missed some details.
The shot where Julia is looking back from the hill and the crowd is reunited in the cafeteria is top-notch. By the way, how the hell did she discovered the tape solution? If I’m not mistaken, they don’t explain that part. Maybe I missed some details.
The shot where Julia is looking back from the hill and the crowd is reunited in the cafeteria is top-notch. By the way, how the hell did she discovered the tape solution? If I’m not mistaken, they don’t explain that part. Maybe I missed some details.