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Avid Amoeba
125 posts • 3.1K comments
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Signal will soon be your one stop solution for all your chat apps

Fixed that for you.


I think the Framework laptop is absolutely good for the industry. Many of your points attempt to diminish or omit the pros and emphasize the cons of things.

E.g. ports. You don’t notice that the Framework ports also work with everything else that a dongle does. You also don’t notice that having modular ports provides extraordinary durability. Ports are often a thing that gets destroyed on laptops. Repairing often means a main board replacement. With a Framework, it’s $20 port card and 10 seconds of work.

You compare their parts situation to Apple’s by omitting the important fact that Framework’s parts, especially the wear and tear ones like coolers, keyboards and batteries are dirt cheap and easily available for purchase. I don’t know about you but I’ve replaced many ThinkPad batteries over the years and finding genuine ones is often a pain and they’re invariably very expensive. 2-3x more expensive than what a Framework battery is.

Personally, I’ve already seen the benefits of the Framework model. I have a Framework 13 which I nastily dropped and bent as a result. One bottom cover order and replacement later it’s as good as new.

I think the Framework model is absolutely positive for the industry, so long as it keeps working. If they go out of business in a year, or get sold to some profit maximizing group that disrupts the model, then yeah, at that point it may become a negative. In my opinion this is the risk for this company and this product model.


Perhaps it’s becoming clear that search needs to become a common cooperatively managed infrastructure similar to Wikipedia. That this is in the best interest of everyone but advertisers and spammers.


This came across a few days ago and the consensus was that it’s likely showing that people who look for a diet might be at higher risk of cardiovascular death.


“fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump”.

It should be a civil lawsuit fund. Pay the legal bills for other women to launch civil lawsuits against him. Bury the fucker.


Yup, it’s much easier for content creators and aggregators to broadcast their stuff over the Fediverse. No API fees and restrictions. Just become a node in the network. Then as they make useful content available on the Fediverse, the Fediverse will grow its userbase, returning something to the content creators.


This is how you get Christians to lobby for no religion in schools.

Now if there’s an imam to step forward, we could really accelerate this process.


It’s an extreme example that perfectly illustrates how profit is extracted from employees by the employers. He didn’t have any leverage to get a larger share of the profit from his labor, as is the case with most employees. You could call it toxic behavior, and it is, but it’s the expected behavior, the behavior incentivised by the system.


Pot, meet kettle.

To add to this, at least Android being open source allows for alternative versions that can be used on some hardware that truly don’t track and can be consistently supported long term. With Apple’s devices, that’s not a practical option.


From the news today:

Google’s relationship with Apple is particularly significant given its unilateral access to iPhone customers. Internal Google notes of a meeting between Sundar Pichai and Apple CEO Tim Cook released Monday by the DOJ give an interesting insight into that relationship. The meeting, which began as a discussion of the regulatory environment in D.C. eventually turned toward the question of Google’s place as the default search engine on Apple products.

Cook, according to the notes, told Pichai he believes the two companies were “deep partners; deeply connected where our services end and yours begin.” In another note from the meeting, Pichai reportedly said, “Our vision is that we work as if we are one company.” Pichai tried to distance himself from that line during this testimony on Monday.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!


“Despite the company’s stellar performance and record earnings, many Googlers have not received meaningful compensation increases” a top-rated employee question read. “When will employee compensation fairly reflect the company’s success and is there a conscious decision to keep wages lower due to a cooling employment market?”

With this leadership, when you unionize. It’s literally what they’re for.
