At least there are some things very suspicious. E.g. a post of me got shadow banned in the Jungle mentioning that Fidality got a stake in Discord. I learned of this only when I did this DD.
Further there is a deleted post promoting switching from plan to book while also KEEPING fractionals, which in the light of heatlamp looks strange “Don’t feed the hedgies like I accidentally did. You can keep fractional shares enrolled in the plan to keep from selling them, and that also keeps the account open that enables you to buy more” (
Absolutely, even if this wasn’t the main target, censorship gets way harder to proof. At the beginning of my DD I thought it was most likely that reddit (radmins) only acts passively. But as I finished and reddit banned DRSyourGME and more subs I now think it most likely reddit itself is deeply involved in censoring GME.
Interesting, thanks Chives. What happens if you ask your broker to you yourself become NOBO?
Edit: changed “your broker to become NOBO” to “your broker to you yourself become NOBO”
So, we know the price kept going down since this post, so the hypothesis was partly right:
Since nearly a year the price is boring af and sticks around $20-$25. Also the DRS numbers don’t show a steep increase, rather a steadily plateauing:
So everybody lost their interest? The splividend showed deep fukry, we had a profitable quarter, RC is now executive chairman, there is $1.3bn in cash - no bankruptcy in sight, although the new marketplace/nfts didn’t lift off yet.
So in this stagnation, is there an opportunity? This is what my head can’t stop thinking about.
Thinking about other ways to avoid brokers being able to unDRS I found that one may also just change account address details:
“So basically, brokers aren’t supposed to do this, but can, and if they do, there’s really nothing stopping them since there’s no check first to see if there was permission from the account holder. […] In the meantime, as suggested by the reps, if possible, change some account info so it doesn’t match what your broker has on file, like changing Street to St or adding a middle initial.” (
Also on Twitter there is a discussion about “stop trades” and one of the things it would help with is brokers being able to unDRS. Either a new account or changing address details would do the trick also.