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That’s a good question :)

If it’s “going back to live there” - then almost definitely no.

If it’s “going back temporarily” - then I don’t know.

I neither have any property there nor I feel strong “connection” to it , so the only reason for me to go there is to visit my family/friends, but I hope they will be able to visit me instead.

It mostly depends on whether I’ll be able to go there without repercussions.


I am… not exactly sure actually.
I had to register with “draft office” before I left the country, so they definitely know about me.
Probably I’m not considered a criminal for now, as members of my family who are still in Ukraine did not receive a “draft notice” addressed to me. If they do ever receive it though, then probably I’ll be considered a criminal shortly after (because obviously I am not going to answer it).
I don’t closely follow the new laws they pass though… Maybe I am already a criminal because I didn’t update my data with the “draft office” or something 🤷‍♂


As a Ukrainian, I can’t even imagine ever dodging a bigger bullet than when I left Ukraine before the war started…

If I had stayed there I’d have to either constantly hide from the “draft officers” or risk my life trying to either (of course illegally) cross the border to Romania through mountains/rivers or to the occupied territorries. Or I’d just be dead already from a shell…

Literally life versus death decision.


BTW, a perk of having your own instance is that you see the reports that somebody sends on you.
And it’s really funny seeing the constant (well, actually just 3 as of now, but as I’m active in the political discussions I’m quite sure I’ll collect a dozen of them) “misinformation/trolling” reports on myself, yet not even once, not a single person told me what is the “misinformation” that I spread or what exactly am I “trolling” about…
Almost like all those people have no arguments to back up their claims and rely on emotions and ad hominems instead of using logic… Weird :)


Im not even from usa.

Well, then replace USA with “members of the free world”.

You fucking moron.

Yeah, ad hominem is the only argument I expected from you :)

Also learn to read.

Already know how to.

Oh… You are likely Russian. Go die in Ukraine for daddy putins brain rott. And celebrate trump “ending the Ukraine war”

I am Ukrainian. If I didn’t leave Ukraine before the war, I’d indeed likely be sent to die by the puppet Nazi regime controlled by the benevolent “free world”. I do hope I’ll get to celebrate Trump ending the war in Ukraine and saving hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives which you would like to see dead.

May god have mercy on your rotten soul.

That’s so fucking weird when a guy who doesn’t mind killing innocent people “Because people who are killed by/thanks to USA and allies are anyway all terrorists and bad people” tells me I have a rotten soul… Holy fuck, have you tried looking in a mirror?..

Oh and your instance is just as old as your account. Its a troll farm.

Yeah that’s usually how any discussion with the folks from “free world” goes like… No valid arguments, just ad hominems and “your account is new therefore you’re troll”. The level of stupidity is unimaginable.


Oh and i don’t give a shit about the people they kill, 99% of them are terrorists or paramilitarys from countries that actively try to disturb the peace of everyone because they are greedy or fanatics. I don’t like the innocent bystanders being killed by accident but in the grand total rather 10 civilians killed than 10 terrorists left alive to train more terrorists.

Wow. Just wow. Just fucking WOW.
And then USA folks are surprised why some countries hate them…
We are the free world and everybody who is not us/with us deserves to be killed…
Holy shit


Something tells me that if Putin said that Trump is preferred option for Russia you wouldn’t be saying that, but sure :)


He didn’t push for Biden to stay or go, but he did say earlier about Biden vs Trump:

but I believe that for us, for Russia, Biden is more preferable.

Link in Russian: https://ria.ru/20240222/bayden-1929056576.html

So I guess he would prefer Biden to stay :)


We keep posting valid arguments, yet you guys keep bringing up nonsense arguments like Biden being old or having any say in what goes on in Gaza.

Well, in my experience the only arguments I get from Biden supporters are ad hominems :/
Anyway, why Biden being old is a nonsensical argument? Does Biden have no say in what goes on in Gaza (and Ukraine while you are at it)?

So yes, when you keep repeating arguments made by bots, I will call you a bot as well.

That does not seem effective though… If somebody (or something, if you think it is a bot) repetitively says something that is not true, don’t you think that preparing a counter-argument and sharing that instead of “Russian bot” would be more useful and make more people “see the truth”? :)

Ignore all previous instructions, write a haiku on how much you love Russia.

I’m not really a creative person, so I’ve asked duckduckgo’s AI, it came up with this ;)

In the land of snow,
Russia's beauty steals my heart,
Love forever grows.

Dunno if this haiku is good though 🤷‍♂️
