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Keine Angst, es gilt immer noch Bestandsschutz. Keiner muss seine Pellet-Heizung wieder ausbauen, auch nicht in Zukunft. Stattdessen wird es Anreize und Zuschüsse für mittlerweile bessere Alternativen geben. In 15 Jahren hat sich (zum Glück) einiges getan.

Daher verstehe ich nicht, was genau an der grünen Politik so bedrohlich wirken soll. Und Nuhr ist ja mittlerweile bekannt dafür, mit seinem Programm diese unbegründete Angst zu schüren.


Fände es super, wenn es so eine Community gäbe. Ich selbst schaffe es nur leider nicht, Mod zu sein. Beteilige mich aber gerne an Diskussionen.


Although legality and ethics do not always coincide, they often influence each other. Many laws are based on ethical principles, such as the protection of human rights, wildlife, or the environment. They reflect a societal consensus that actions that violate these principles are both unethical and should be illegal.

In this case, RFK Jr. most likely violated several laws like the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA) which make it illegal to disturb, remove, or possess any part of a whale, even if it’s dead, without a permit. This is not “normal” behavior.


Das stimmt. Und ich bin im Sinne der Demokratie auch grundsätzlich dafür.

Allerdings frage ich mich, ob die Polizei nicht mit zweierlei Maß misst, wenn ich an die vielen abgesagten Grünen-Veranstaltungen dieses Jahr denke: https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/extreme-angst-erneut-proteste-bei-gruenen-versammlung


There was a new release 0.27.1 yesterday which fixed the error for me. https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/releases/


VPNs aren’t working unfortunately, at least if you’re not logged in. They completely block the site when you’re trying to access reddit via VPN. This is a VPN related forum where this is discussed.


It’s just referring to the principle and doesn’t need to be translated.

From the Wiki article:

“Yes, and…”, also referred to as “Yes, and…” thinking, is a rule-of-thumb in improvisational comedy that suggests that an improviser should accept what another improviser has stated (“yes”) and then expand on that line of thinking (“and”).[1][2][3] The improvisers’ characters may still disagree.[1]


Maybe yes, but probably not. Their highest priority is to host any site that is following their rules and abides the law. If someone reports a site they take action following their procedures. Whatever was posted there triggered the process chain “shut down the site”, independent of the trans topic.


I actually doubt that there is enough evidence that Hetzner is transphobic.
Just because other pages have not been blocked does not mean that direct conclusions can be drawn. To me, this sounds like a personal vendetta against the admin.

The relevant context from the site (shortened):

for reference, i am the admin of woem.men. we do allow nsfw content, but thats not the focus of woem.men, as woem.men is a trans safe space for users of all ages. we require lewd content to be CWed, and actually encourage our users to make an account on our sister instance, lewd.lgbt instead, if they wanna post lewd stuff

about a month and a half ago, i discovered that my ex partner is a serial groomer, and banned her from woem.men.

emma went on a crusade against woem.men, claiming that i was the real groomer, trying to push the spotlight away from myself, basically using my ex as the scapegoat.

a week or two later (this last Saturday), i got an email from hetzner: abuse report from cloudflare, child pornography on your server. the email basically showed a forwarding chain: emma’s deadname -> cloudflare -> hetzner. cloudflare included information on how to bypass cloudflare to verify that woem.men is, indeed, hosted on hetzner. the original report from emma included spurious definitions of “yuri”, and a falsified text representation of the image. emma also said that she reported the artwork to authorities for being CSAM

for reference, if you havent seen the artwork floating around yet, its artwork of two fully clothed girls, probably something like 17-21 years old, kissing romantically. nothing worse than what you’ve seen in a disney movie between two het couples

hetzner did not ask me to remove the content. hetzner told me to remove the entirety of woem.men. and if i didnt comply within 24 hours, the entire server’s network would be locked.

i replied that the image was not CSAM, but i could remove just the url, and if that would suffice. and hetzners next reply (paraphrased):

due to the nature of the site, the site is inherently adult content, which is against our terms of service, section […]

fedi was catching wind of this situation, and began trying to get hetzner’s attention on twitter, bluesky, etc. my friend began migrating woem.men to her infrastructure. a few hours later, i got an email back (paraphrasing again): “okay, ashten, just remove the url, and we’ll close the case.”

[…] hetzner has proven itself to be transphobic and homophobic in one email chain.

q. im not sure this is evidence that hetzner is transphobic/homophobic
a. okay, consider this: maps instances are allowed to run on hetzner just fine. same with techbro instances which are commonly blocked for poor moderation regarding loli/csam. but woem.men was given 24 hours to shut down due to the “nature of the site”
