Tapas Valencia is great for dates. Nepal House for good takeout. Yolk for brunch. Burger Point for a good burger.
Have you thought about ways to monetize your project? That’ll be a great to show off on your resume if you wanted a conventional job. Even implementing AdSense on your site will get some folks interested enough to interview you.
Please let the CTA board be next.
Hi OP, pointers are very powerful. You’ve already seen some responses to your question about why/when to use it, but there’s another cool trick I like to do with pointers. Namely, data hiding with opaque pointers (an application of type erasure). Especially in library code where I don’t want to introduce too many includes in the consuming application, I will hide data and implementation using the pimpl idiom. Another great use case for pointers.
Got stuck at MCI during this storm! The storm looked absolutely devastating from the terminal.
That sounds like an entirely different issue. For a service that provides free online play, Steam is superior to the alternatives on PC. It has built in community forums, a group and chat service that rivals Discord, a large user base, and an easy to use storefront. Whether or not it’s a closed system is tangential to the argument that it is a free platform.