A GenX Englishman living on the Danish island of Bornholm out in the Baltic Sea.
For at være retfærdig har jeg ikke lyst til at flyve det britiske flag sine 2016 alligevel…
Returned to Surviving Mars, picked up a few extra packs in the Steam sale (Which I already own on XBOX, but I do love a “double-dip”)
Vendte tilbage til Surviving Mars, købte et par ekstra pakker i Steam-salget (Som jeg allerede ejer på XBOX, men jeg bare elsker en “double-dip”)
From 2011, I thnk this was on the original Samsung Galaxy (Can’t find it only to confirm), the one with the “sticky out chin”. This was my first true smartphone after having used a Blackberry Bold I think, before which I had a Blackberry Pearl, and before that Dell Axim alongside maybe a Nokia 6820? How far we’ve come!
Edit: I think this might actually have been from my HTC Hero… probably shortly before I move on to an HTC Desire or maybe even the Desire itself.
Edit 2: It must have been the Desire, resolution of 480x800 on the screenshot.
Gav et par svar, der måske afslører min identitet på skema! :D
I’m not used to having a King back in England yet, now I have to do the same here. Bit of a shocker, but I can understand her position.
Perhaps becuase you’ve only opened it half way, you need to lift it back over again and clip in under the rim.
I’ll have to check this out. By any chance can you give it a Playlist and have it monitor it for changes and auto-download any new entries?
You may feel a little prick.