Funny thing is years ago (like 20+) I use to put my spare batteries in the freezer, but then i learned that doing that would cause alkaline batteries to loose charge faster over time…not recall where I hear that, or if it is even true (I vaguely recall looking it up on the “early” internet)…but to this day i no longer do that…I keep them in the non-temp controlled garage…because that makes so much more sense right lol 😅
Online compiler said it was W
Look into yt-dlp and ytdl-sub (linux) ytdl-sub basicly an text based interface for ytdlp can be used to help automate the process and is a little more human readable and easier configure.
For anyone in Lemmy that finds this post in the future, it was made on my NoMansSky.Social Mastodon account, which is why it is formatted weird