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Not a fantastic game, but the first Walking Dead Telltale series really hit me in the feels and so has stayed with me. The Witcher 3 definitely affected me, but it’s hard to seperate that feeling from the books.

I’d say Kerbal Space Program, Factorio and Rimworld because whenever I play those it’s like coming home, but since I’m always playing at least one of them, it feels a bit like cheating.

The feeling of the Tribes games is always there in my mind. I occasionally go back but the freedom of movement in that game is just so liberating. I never know why they aren’t more celebrated. (Titanfall 2 comes close, but still not quite the same).

Battlezone 2 is IMHO another unsung classic. I loved the mix of RTS and FPS. Another one from before the mechanics of FPS and the general feel of motion had standardised (to a fault) which I think helps it keep it’s hooks in me.


Yes to both! But especially Barotrauma! Really unique atmosphere to that game and such a rich selection of gameplay mechanics I’m always fighting off the desire to start another game!

I even get lost just building convoluted, overcomplicated and, as a result, buggy submarines in the editor.

Man, I love that game. It might be the greatest unsung game to come out in the last few years. My only problem is being a misanthrope, and scared of the general multiplaying public, I’m always intimidated by public games, but I’d love to convince enough buddies to play a campaign through. As you say, you lose some of the existential dread, but I’d love to explore some of the roleplaying aspects and more complicated gameplay loops, and the bots are a liability (although so much better than they were!).


I never managed to finish Disco Elysium, but not out of lack of love. It’s absolutely fantastic.

I really want to go back to it, but I’m almost afraid to. There’s so much depth to all those characters, I’m worried by not having played it for so long I’d have forgotten all the useful context, but starting from scratch feels, IDK dishonest somehow? The playthrough I was on felt like the “authentic” one, and restarting, at least without completing that imperfect first playthrough, would be somehow missing the point.

My other fear is that, also finding myself in a bad place increasingly over the last few years, I’m afraid it might end in a way that’s too bleak to bear. Your comments on finding hope in the ending, despite despair, might be the motivation I need though!


I was enjoying plexamp but had no idea of the restrictions. My missus probably hadn’t bothered to try it yet so we hadn’t noticed.

Such a shame because plexamp seems to me superior to the experience from all other streaming apps, apart from my less than perfect music collection!

Will have to give this Symfonium a look!


I briefly worked in safety critical software, so adjacent to defence and aeronautical in the UK. I recall that when the UK was asking for the source code for windows running on the trident subs at the time (which is terrifying thought at the best of times. A whole new meaning to blue screen of death) that UK gov had asked to inspect the source code but was told to swivel. IIRC US and China were both allowed to look. That was all on the grapevine though, and I was still a kid so obv take with a pinch of salt, but I’m inclined to believe it.

I had more direct experience in my role validating software to run on military aircraft. We were contracted in to “prove” that the software was up to do-178b security stand and bug free via line by line inspection and some other techniques (which was a joy as you can imagine). I never got the impression that the source would be shared with the government, only that it had to meet the standard.

Interesting sidenote there, was that because it was for defence, being up to the standard was really marketing more than legal requirement. We’d find bugs that would trigger hard reboots of the hardware and the message was always “thanks for letting us know, but it’s too expensive to get the original contractors back to fix it so we’ll just ignore it”. I think they’d have been legally obliged to do something for civilian aircraft but military is a different game.

(Again should emphasise these are vague memories from working a gap year before my masters, so take with pinch of salt.)


Nice one 👍. I’ve been looking to replace onenote handwritten notes for years with something with better Linux support. Interested to give this a try! Thanks for sharing!


I’d say even if the overall efficiency ends up lower with automation (not that you’re saying that or that it’s true) I’d say it’s still the right course.

If we in developed countries are saying that working in a factory is degrading and inhumane work, then it’s not much of a solution to offload it to a country with people desperate enough to do it anyway. It doesn’t solve the problem if we get our own people to do it either, by incentive or otherwise.

The aim should be that no one is stuck doing degrading, unfulfilling work. If automation fails to be as efficient than human labour, be it in the short term or long term, and whether that be in terms of profit or resources, it’s still worth it to minimise the number of people stuck in unfulfilling wage slavery.

Again, to emphasise the point, even if human hands are cheaper than automation for the next hundred years, we should still drive to automation.

That being said, this all assumes we get our shit together as a society to get UBI and other ways for people to live meaningful lives without the factory work!


Good point! I did mean to acknowledge this. I don’t mean to say factory work is necessarily unfulfilling by nature. We should be looking to automate all unfulfilling jobs away where we can, factory or otherwise. I’d guess factory work is often more fulfilling than the range of white collar bullshit jobs (“B” ark type stuff 😜) where there’s no sense of really doing anything of value. I suspect though a lot of the unfulfilling white collar bullshit work does require automation replace, but we can just stop making people do pretend work just to be able to live! (I say this confident of my ticket on the “B” ark myself!)

I would say however, how well they’re paid isn’t the whole picture thought. If there are nasty jobs that need doing, we should at least make sure they pay well, but better that all have fulfilling and well paid jobs, rather than sacrificial one for the other. Utopian/idealistic I know, but if I’m going to be dreaming might as well dream big! 😁

I don’t know my Marx, but doesn’t he have a thing about factory work being by it’s nature dehumanising due to its focus on being just one tiny part of making something, rather than the craftsman it replaced. I think there’s something to be said for that, and where we can accepting that while a production line may be strictly more efficient than craftsman, that efficiency isn’t everything all the time. (Again using factory analogy here but the same comparison can be made of various “white collar” jobs too).

Oh I should also say, that I can imagine the full automation of some jobs being bad for similar reasons, even if it might seem like a win. If there is joy to be found in, for example, the work of a making furniture by hand, then I can see it being a negative to fully automate that job away, even if we can ensure every furniture maker isn’t affected financially by the loss of the jobs. There’s something of value in the feeling of performing ones craft in the equitable service of someone else, and if we have machines making the furniture the same, then we risk robbing people of that.

No simple answers I guess! Balance in everything, everything in balance and all that.


Thanks for clarifying!
