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I mean he is detained. Anyone who enters another country without authorization tends to be detained, more so when they are or were recently part of a hostile armed force. He’s not free to just wander around. He entered the country illegally, was last part of an occupying force that wants to destroy the DPRK, is legally at war with them for 70 years, and they’re likely trying to decide what to do with him, investigate his story, ascertain if he’s a spy or there’s anything off about him like if he’s a threat, etc.

The thing is, what skills does he have to offer them? He probably can’t speak the native language (if he can that would make a huge difference in being accepted because he could actually integrate), he’s going to have culture shock. He’s frankly a risk that if they do accept him, he’ll leave anyways after a while because of the quality of life (no iPhone, no Facebook, no holidays or cultural norms like he’s used to, language barrier, etc), go back to the US, be coached to spin a story of his torture and the horrors of the place in exchange for a book deal or speaking tour and money and then it will have blown up in the DPRK’s face. They consider these things and many others when deciding.

If he’s sincere I wish him only the best and hope he can find a great life in the DPRK but there are many barriers to success.


Rolling Stone has quite an article: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/henry-kissinger-war-criminal-dead-1234804748/

“Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies” (It’s long too, they’ve been sitting on this one for a while)

For me it’s bittersweet feelings. I would have rather at this point that he lived another 20 years and saw the world he built crumble entirely. He was also out of power and there are many like him much younger still in power. Where is the Blinken, Pompeo, Nuland, etc watch for their death for their complicity in crimes against humanity? Smaller in total deaths but still in the hundreds of thousands.

His death will mark my words be a ritual cleansing for western leftists and anti-war liberals, they will point to it and declare the evil has gone, it has died, America was bad but with his death that chapter closes and now we’re good supporting wholesome 100 totally-not-Nazis in Ukraine among many other dubious movements.


Ukrainian/USA backed terrorists I guarantee.

RT reports at least 40 killed and a hundred injured. Numbers probably going to go up.

And the thing is, this is even more pointless than your average terrorist attack, this is pure blood-lust and desire to butcher Russian civilians KNOWING it won’t change anything because Russia has suffered deadlier attacks including on children in the past 25 years and they didn’t deter it in Chechnya or any other regions. So even the usual justification for butchering civilians that it will shock the government or people into change is a known factor, a false one with this specific country.

This is just the start. The US is not happy about the results of Ukraine and intends to severely punish the Russian people for choosing Putin again and for withstanding their sanctions.

I also guarantee that the US and west will try their hardest to spin this as a bunch of disgruntled Russians upset about Putin’s authoritarian rule and that their weapons, training, idea just poofed out of thin air. Else it could be IS type extremists who are of course a western puppet and would only be in Russia at CIA insistence. They can’t allow wholesome bean Ukraine to be associated with this type of behavior despite it being exactly the SBU’s modus operandi. Doesn’t matter whether the attackers were native Russians or what, guarantee if they aren’t IS that they were trained, radicalized, motivated, probably armed by SBU which is a proxy subsidiary of the CIA.


They were targeted for being Chinese. If they sold to a US company they could double the privacy invasive practices and you wouldn’t hear a peep. It’s not about privacy, none of your legislators give a fuck about that. In fact they use private companies to spy on you to get around that pesky constitution which says they need warrants or special legislative carve-outs but nothing about them buying your data from private companies who collect it anyways.

The US could easily have passed a nearly guaranteed to pass judicial review (unlike this) broad bill aimed at forcing better privacy practices for all social media that would either force better privacy for users or drive these companies out of business or out of the US market. But that would target Facebook which has been one of the primary lobbyists behind the anti-tik-tok scare campaign because it is murdering them in the young people market and ad dollars for retirees are not quite as good as for the younger crowd and any social media stuck with only the old is destined to whither to irrelevancy.

This is a hit job, make no mistake. By Facebook and by western investors who have been unable to invest in it and thus profit from it unlike western social media so it has to go.

If anything actions like this prevent more people from having an honest conversation and understanding of the privacy and other issues of modern social media. By putting all the blame on it being Chinese and not examining the psychology, the privacy invasiveness, etc of all of these social media apps they prevent an honest conversation, honest questioning and discussion.


Truly unfortunate as it’s one of the biggest instances. But completely foreseeable as they were seething pretty intensely as they got whipped up into a genocidal rage at the propaganda around the conflict in Palestine.

If this were 2003 they would have defederated from us over calling Bush a liar about WMD’s in Iraq no doubt.


It gets a bit tiresome going over this so many times so excuse the short answer.

https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Russia https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Imperialism


The short of it is, no. Russia is NOT imperialist. It does not fit Lenin’s criteria.

It tried to join the imperialist bloc of western NATO nations after the fall of the USSR several times but was rebuffed and rejected bluntly. It then tried coexistence, integration and as we can see that has all fallen apart.

Throughout the post-soviet period Russia has maintained friendship with nations of the global south including China, Cuba, Venezuela, and other members of the group of resisting nations to western hegemony and imperialism including Iran.

Russia acts as a counter-weight to western imperialism. It is by action anti-imperialist. This was not its choice but the consequence of historical realities and choices made by the west as well as its own choices.

Russia is in fact a victim of the ruling imperialist bloc’s violence and attempts to destroy it and subjugate it’s peoples.

Russian capitalists have no choice but to be part of this alliance against imperialism. It’s either that or be destroyed and made either very junior partners with a tiny share of the plunder or liquidated entirely as a class by the western bourgeoisie in favor of their nation being split up and ruled by various comprador types.

A thread from Genzhou (archived) on this: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/232591


Simply say the magic words in the right order “please president Xi, help us rebuild our bridge” and later of course “Biden don’t, but Xi do” and presto after the immigration permits are issued you’ll have a new even better bridge in 6 months, they’ll even throw in a rail crossing for only a little more and no extra time. And be sure to ask about excellent deals on Chinese state rail company rolling stock while you’re at it.


Biden just endorsed Kamala according to news coming across the wire.

Still remember to remind Democrats that you can’t vote for her or anyone else because the primary and thus the people in our totally healthy, totally democracy CHOSE Joe Biden and that he was undemocratically forced out by unelected media, donors, and insider. As such you’re either withholding your vote in protest of slap to the face of Democratic voters who CHOSE Joe fair and square or writing in Joe.

After all people don’t vote for a ticket for its vice president who is a place-holder at most, often a compromise with the visions of the candidate. They vote for the candidate, so it’s not at all fair to say votes for Joe were votes for Kamala or transferable to her. Just repeat this at liberals and watch them malfunction and lose it as they cope with their impending loss.


A lot to say without much actual proof. Those things COULD be used to persecute the LGBTQ+ community but that doesn’t mean they are. As could many things, a country could selectively enforce all kinds of much more neutral sounding laws exclusively on gay people as a means of persecution.

I’m sorry but without any proof I’m not ready to go throwing them out and cede to liberals and reactionary anti-communist rainbow-washing forces that they are actually indeed so. There’s so much misinformation about the DPRK it’s not even funny.

If being gay is considered a decadent act by the government

That one IF is doing a huge amount of lifting, your argument falls apart when you take it out.

which it likely is,

Proof, we need proof, not “I feel like it is”. And yes all countries have persons in them, including those attached to the party who hold backwards views on a variety of things.

In particular I’ll note Eastern notions of frowning on something are not the same as western active persecution. There are also issues of things lost in translation. China doesn’t criminalize being gay but they very much crack down on LGBTQ-CIA organizations (we need a Buttigieg rat emoji) that advance a western, liberal slant.

I make no claims they are some bastion of rights for queer people as they’re likely not given their history and material circumstances but I think this whole post is making a mountain out of a molehill of evidence. You can’t just leap from one conclusion to another more severe one.

At the end of the day cfgaussian’s take is mine but I think OP jumped the shark with a sweeping and unsupported by evidence alarmist proclamation.


Awesome Gen-zers understanding the context and history in which an event happens unlike goldfish-brained bourgeois press “journalists”
