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I agree that it isn’t as good as it was. The last two updates have definitely decreased its effectiveness for multiple things, not just dev. It is still my starting point when looking for something. It is just not as good as it used to be.

Obviously, you can’t take what it gives at face value, but you shouldn’t do that from SO either. In general, I see faster results using GPT than I do with Google and SO. You can also extend the responses with any customization or changes specific to what you are trying to do, where you can’t with SO.

I’m not saying SO is bad. Not by any stretch. I still use it a lot. It just isn’t my starting point anymore.


It only has things based in reality, like how to get along with step-siblings. Getting a good mortgage is too fictitious for that site.


More of a physical representation of a debt, but in essence, yes.

I buy a rock from you with $5, that $5 represents the debt I incurred by taking the rock. You have the $5 that you can use to barter for something else. At the end of the day, the government is backing my debt for the rock with a physical piece of paper. Except it isn’t physical anymore now that everything is digital. So, I suppose its more like the bits of data that represent the physical money that represents the debt for the rock is backed by the government. Although that money is actually physical at the bank that conducted the electronic transaction, and they borrowed that physical money from the fed. But even then, it is inflated since not every dollar a bank transacts with, is backed by something physical since the reserve ratio is not 100%. And that is when it starts becoming confusing.


I disagree with the premise. There is an exit strategy. Get Russia out of Ukraine. Seems pretty straightforward to me.


People want someone or something to blame. I think the reason is that certain groups think everything can be controlled. It’s too much of a challenge to their world view to have a large scale desaster not be attributed to someone’s fault. This causes them to dig in more with conspiracies. It’s easier to accept wild theories than change their world view.

It seems to typically be people who don’t have critical thinking skills. Those who can’t see past the superficial. A story that, on the surface, matches something that is true, then gives a speculative leap to something that isn’t, is hard for them to disregard. If A is true, and C happens sometimes with A, then A causes C. Without the ability to realize, B was skipped. Or to say it in a different way, its hard for some to realize correlation is not causation. So, conspiracies are born.

Ex: The ice is melting in Antarctica. Scientists are there all the time, drilling holes to get samples. If you drill a hole in an ice cube, more air gets to it and it melts faster. Therefore its the so called scientists that are causing the icecaps to melt. Maybe they are even putting heaters in it to speed it up just so they can say they were right. We need to stop these scientists before they kill us all. And so on.


As manager, I have to say that is uncalled for. As a developer, I will say you are 100% accurate.


I like some of the concepts of agile and scrum. Two week sprints rather than multi-year projects. Faster turn around on bugs. Having a prioritized backlog so we know what we are doing next. Small standups to get ahead of blockers. Spending less time documenting everything and more time developing. You don’t need a PM or scrum master in those things. A good team lead can do it. If the PM needs an update, they can look at the board.

A lot of the crap that gets add in to it is so freaking useless. There is an AVP at my company that keeps pushing everyone to sign and share team agreements so “there can accountability.” It’s so cringy. If someone is getting stuff done, do you really think having them sign something saying they will do it is going to help? If someone is getting stuff done, then it isn’t going to change anything. It’s infantalizing. So much of it is micromanagement and lack of team trust.


Then why would the company be against paying minimum wage?


Over time, the weaken your muscles and make it even more difficult to have good posture. You end up relying on the straps rather than your own body.


I had this poster on my wall in my dorm in the early 2000s. I think I still have it rolled up in a cardboard tube somewhere. I had a bunch of his stuff as posters.
