Banks don’t want it and they don’t want to use CoinStar for the 8% cut. It’s literally found money, so take the cash. Or look and see if there is a rare coin or to. I’m sure a rare coin dealer would be quite interested in some of that too.
For me, the problem is one of justice. If I, as a meat sack, kill someone I am liable and most likely criminally liable for it. When AI commits man slaughter, then what? A company has the financial incentive and very little of the legal exposure because it’s out sourced to the owner. Effectively the human operator trusting Evil Corp gets the raw end of the deal.
IMO, each version of the software should get a legal license.
Ok, damn you. Take my FOSS upvote. You got a real LOL out of that. Also, I am thinking the drunk would be undrinkable…
I interviewed at Reddit a few years ago and found the arrogance and smugness to be off putting. I went from wanting to work for Reddit to thinking I dodged a bullet. The culture I was exposed to made me think they are all douches. They definitely thought they were changing the world and the arbiters of democracy. In my experience that sort of thinking comes from the top.