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When people actually BUY cars with manual transmissions, then they make sense. Until then, economies of scale will win, and it’s much easier and cheaper for a manufacturer to produce a single offering that works for everyone rather than multiple offerings that require multiple part numbers and tooling.

Both my cars are DCT. Would I love to have a manual again? Yes. However, these shift faster than you or I ever could. We haven’t been played, people just don’t buy the things they keep asking for, because they aren’t practical or because they can’t afford it.

I’ve owned about 10 cars in my life. Six of them have been manual. Three of the four others were never even offered with a manual transmission as an option. And, not for nothing, but it’s nice not having to deal with a clutch in stop and go traffic.

And while cars may be about driving for the likes of us, they’re merely a means of transportation for most people. Hell, the majority of people can barely gauge the size of their vehicle, and drive terribly in general. Your suggestion that all cars should be manual because all cars are for driving enjoyment is a false premise to begin with. For some people cars are a status symbol, for others it’s the best means of transportation because there’s no mass transit near them, or because they simply prefer a car to mass transit.


I agree. I chose not to go with the P1S because of Bambu’s proprietary nature. I don’t NEED to SSH into my printer or mess around in the internals, but it’s nice to have that option, especially once a manufacturer moves on from an old model. It would be ideal to have community support once that happens. I went with the Qidi X-Plus 3 because of build volume and price too, not just openness, but aside from Bambu’s wireless printing for some reason requiring data to go through their cloud I’ve only heard good things. I think this move to allow third party firmware is very smart and will draw more of the maker market, not just the average consumer.


I’ve been a software engineer for the last 17 years, with the last 11 years having been in management. The further people get in their career the easier it is to forget to stay humble. You can’t always be the smartest person in the room. It’s statistically unlikely. One of my favorite books I’ve read is “The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do” (not to be confused with “The Secret”). The book covers how you can stay humble in your career, reinvent yourself, value the contributions of others, etc. The fact is that even if you end up in a leadership position, you won’t necessarily be the smartest person in the room. Even if you made a great decision for the team years ago, that may not hold up now. Be open to the fact that you’re wrong. Be open to change. If you can’t do that then you’re going to end up set aside as a dinosaur. Adapt. If you don’t then you’ll be left behind. And be kind, because you never know who you’ll work with again. Being smart isn’t carte blanche to be an asshole to anyone who isn’t as smart as you. You’ll likely need them at some point if you stick around long enough.


I’d say the major stuff is:

  • miles driven per charge and the average speed (mph/kph) per charge (preferably getting as low as you’re comfortable before recharging)
  • control for variables like always keeping regenerative braking on or off
  • average outside temperature between charges
  • how many chargers or charging stations were out of commission? What number and what percent?
  • how far out of your way did you need to go, on average, to get to a charging station?
  • how much time did you spend charging, on average?
  • what charging speeds were you able to charge at? If your car can fast charge, how many of the fast chargers were unavailable (occupied or out of order), and how often did you need to charge slower as a result?

And not related to data: how is the drive feel? How are the driving dynamics? EVs are heavy. How did it feel in inclement weather vs dry?


There’s a lot that goes into the print speed, including volumetric flow (measured in mm^3/s) and minimum layer time, used for allowing layers to cool enough before printing the next one so the print doesn’t end up a blob. You want to slice the object and then look at where the speed changes in the preview. That will give you an idea of what’s happening. It could also be down to the settings Cura uses for PETG.


I’m so sorry you see things this way. I just left my job after many years at the company, and while my goal wasn’t to make friends I definitely ended up collecting a few along the way. I was in upper management and definitely cared about my team, and so did the directors under me. I befriended some of the people in the C-suite as well. They threw a nice, big surprise going away dinner for me, which they definitely didn’t need to do. I’ve met up with former coworkers in other departments to catch up, because we genuinely enjoy each other’s company. I hope you find a place that values you and that you can find a friend or two that you can keep in your life.


It’s annoying to me that sometimes I have to use Reddit because the only answer I can find to a problem I’m having is in a Reddit post or comment. I would prefer to never use it again, but I’ll settle for only using it when strictly necessary.


Shit, I’d take four 10-hour workdays and a day off over five 8-hour workdays. It’s not about the hours per week, but about being able to enjoy a full day to myself.


I would assume that’s exactly what they’d do when he’s released after his sentence is served.


Depending on what you meant by this question, I’d say Perplexity. It’s got access to a number of different LLMs, and cited its sources. The biggest concern I’ve had when it comes to LLMs is that they eventually make shit up. If you can verify its answers by checking its sources, you have a much higher confidence level in the answer.
