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I guess it’s a good thing the Debian releases all have version numbers then.


My last year of uni I was broke. The previous year the parking passes had red letters, that year purple. That was the only difference. The colour. I traced over all the letters of my previous parking pass with a blue sharpie and parked for free all year.


Yes, the crime of giving them a stable OS that once it is set up keeps working reliably for years to come.


Jokes on you, the buttons will be on the wrong side! Ahahahahaha

Edit: yes I know t-shirts don’t have buttons. Bad attempt at humour. Not deleting because I stand behind my mistakes.


There have been other suggestions in the thread how to avoid ending up in this situation that I think are good, like put your work bag or purse in the back seat too, or if you’re really concerned, take off your non-driving shoe and put it back there.

Kidsandcars.org does great work too, and clearly the message is getting thru to auto manufacturers too.

My boss has a new ford ranger, it reminds him to check the back seat if it detects weight. There are lots of ways to prevent this happening to you, figure out what makes the most sense for you and go with it.

Also, you’re going to be a great parent. I don’t know how I know this, I just do.


I was at a funeral for a guy who had dated my best friend. I was there to support my friend, let her get some closure. There were easily a thousand people there - they set up speakers in the parking lot for mourners to listen to the ceremony. This guy had been incredibly good at getting people to like him. He easily could have been a cult leader, the number of people who loved his persona and either didn’t know of or ignored his manipulative behavior.

Anyway, eulogies are delivered. A close friend, then a family member, then his girlfriend…then his other girlfriend. The two girlfriends learned of each other’s existence and met for the first time at the funeral.

The second girl said something like “I loved him so much, as I’m sure you all did too. I was convinced that I could make a difference in his life and make things better for everyone, but maybe it was just about the sex after all.” She then left. Fully left the building.

Nobody I knew there at the funeral had any idea who she was, except the parents who later confirmed to my friend that she was indeed his other girlfriend.


I don’t understand. Are you saying you’re a racist, abusive, narcissistic fuckhead? Or that you’re fat?


The brutal bone marrow transplant that can “cure” HIV is only an option for patients who also have leukaemia

So they wipe out all the patient’s bone marrow, let them simmer in a immuno-bubble-room for a bit, then give them a stemcell bone marrow transplant from someone whose bone marrow is hiv resistant and hope to high hell that the process itself doesn’t result in the patient’s death.

Oh, and out of caution they continue to consider the patient HIV pos for the rest of their lives anyway.

For me, the real takeaway is that medical professionals no longer view HIV a big enough health risk to consider stuff like this viable for HIV patients in general.


It’s amazing how the smallest routine deviations can change things.

I once put my 1 year old in the car seat before loading the rest of the stuff into the car. My kid has always hated being constrained, so I didn’t bother buckling the seat belt, as I figured there’d be more joy in being able to reach and play with toys while I loaded the car.

All went well, we got underway, and upon arriving at our destination I realized I never actually did up the safety restraints.

Holy shit

I thought

If I’d gotten in an accident in the last 30m of driving, my kid probably would have died

What a shock and brutal realization to have.

Many people have complemented me on my parenting, complemented me on my nurturing and caring attitude towards my kid and other children too. I’d like to think I’m a good father…but the momentary lapse I had could have ended a life and ruined so many more.

Yes, it can happen to anyone. I feel nothing but sympathy for the parents who have lost a child this way.

While not every parent who loses a child this way is a good person, people like Lyn Balfour have demonstrated that many of the parents responsible for these cases are good people who simply had a momentary lapse in attention that resulted in the worse mistake of their entire life.

I think that it is not for the public to judge them, and it’s not appropriate to publically shame parents who have been through a tragedy like this.

Those parents will be forever haunted by the waxy face of their dead child, will see other children playing in parks, and remember what their child looked like the last time they saw their remains, will remember how beautiful and vibrant their baby was - and know that it’s their fault that the child is forever gone.

I think that’s punishment enough.
