Check their business offerings, the higher bandwidth plans from ISPs usually ship with a public static ip.
Simple Mobile Tools the company behind Simple Apps has been bought by ZipoApps. The repo is no longer maintained by original developers, and it is speculated that ZipoApps would soon introduce advertisements in the Simple Apps.
A fork of SimpleApps is continued as Fossify Apps.
+1 for recommending Fossify over ‘SimpleApps’
Extending the reply for ‘Sandboxed Play Store … F-Droid … Aurora Store’ -
- In case of Sandboxed Play Store - we’d need to login via a Google account in order to be able to download apps. Also, when we allow network access to the Play Store, it may send device info, app downloaded, updated etc related telemetry to Google. Also expect the promoted apps/games ads in the Play Store home screen.
- In case of Aurora Store - we can use it via Anonymous User or we can supply our own Google Account. Aurora Store just uses the credentials to download apps from Google Play, but other telemetry is limited compared to Play Store.
- In case of F-Droid store - It mostly hosts open-source Apps. And has cautions whenever an app uses proprieray libraries, code or needs access to specific network(eg - Telegram FOSS needs Telegram Servers access to function) in order to work.
I’d recommend you have both - F-Droid and Aurora Store. If you need to access the Play Store subscriptions, then you’d need to install Play Store as well.
I usually open the Google Maps Web in an incognito window. But I’d definitely try the App you recommended.
Just a quick question, if you happen to know the App workings - Does this App clears the data of web-view on close? Or the Search history persists over the usage? Apart from the android app data clear option, is there any internal auto-clear option?
I think one should also take into factor that not only software(at OS level), but the hardware(including GSM base-band) is being continuously deprecated in favor of newer and faster(?) hardware. Eg. 5G is pushed aggressively at the cost of lower speeds of 4G and broken connectivity of 3G.
Despite this, if someone is ready to work with a deliberately throttled network, then there is full ecosystem of apps and services which continuously target newer OS versions, in order to get access to better, faster, more secure libraries and OS APIs. If the case is not about smartphones, then the dumb phones don’t need any OS upgrade to continue working. A caution here is - those phones would not be secure to vulnerabilities found afterwards.
Similar situation prevails in Computers as well(stopping OS upgrades and associated browsers/apps stops working after some years on that OS) but the lifespan of a computer is longer than that of a phone.
Regarding custom OS – getting the latest version of Android work on older phone hardware is already tedious task. It requires rewriting the malfunctioning drivers to be compatible with the new OS APIs. The hardware vendors add to the misery and don’t release workable documentations on how to approach writing drivers for a different OS. Now, multiply this effort for all sorts of different hardware made by different vendors! I believe a general purpose phone OS which would support such a large variety of phone hardware would be a humongous task.
E: After reading the petition – I think for the sake of not wasting a decently working hardware we can have some sort of jailbreak. But without a proper working replacement OS after the jailbreak, the situation would not change much. And, if one can provide such reliable OS, it is a potential company idea right there!
Just a reminder that even though the tunnel itself is encrypted, the whole connection is not E2E encrypted between your remote client and the server. Cloudflare as a CDN/PoP provider can see the traffic in plaintext.
In all other aspects, this is a great solution, as we even get to use the edge caching(over top of all others mentioned above) facility - which further reduces the requests to origin server.
From IPv6.rs FAQs I get the impression that they only provide IPv6 route through their tunnel. I think self-hosting something only reachable via IPv6 would cause you trouble accessing it in IPv4 only networks - which are still far more common compared to IPv6.
Hurricane Electric provides such IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel facility with /48 block routed to your network. I’ve only used this service for testing my IPv6 knowledge, so performance-wise I’m not sure how good it is. Thus, if IPv6.rs provides a significant performance over the HE-TunnelBroker, then I’d suggest you go with IPv6.rs given a decent price for the service.
If you are considering a simple to set-up tunnel utility for your self-hosting applications, I’d suggest you consider other tunneling options which have both IPv4 and IPv6 capabilities. Some widely used ones are Cloudflare Tunnel and Ngrok. You may also use Tailscale to connect both server and client via VPN. Using Cloudflare or Ngrok would involve some privacy concerns, as they can see the traffic passing through the tunnels in plain text.
E: better words substitution
See from the notification settings if this notification is categorized under some head. And if the category is not catch all, you may disable notification for that category. Otherwise blocking all notification or switching to alternative app would be the last option.
Good for privacy! But I really doubt it would work for all recognition systems.
Some funny pitfalls that may occur - Self driving cars would prefer to hit that person if had to make a choice between him and some other human. And, there is possibility that the Street mapping cars would not blur his face for the lack of detection.
Not as part of core GrapheneOS, but an app called “Private Lock” can detect sudden force via accelerometer and disable the fingerprint based unlocking for next unlock.
But yeah, an erase passcode feature with opening a decoy profile would be a great feature to have.
E: grammar