Bei mir funktioniert der Archiv Link nicht Edith: https://taz.de/AfD-Experte-Hillje-ueber-Umfragehoch/!5939597/
great tip, thank you. this is definitely the right direction. but apparently saving between sessions is not really possible. most people seem to edit their scripts using an external editor and paste them for execution. unsure whether this works in the long run. anyways thanks again
I’d recommend using a digital thermometer to check the temperature before pitching the yeast. measuring by hand requires a bit of experience. check the instructions for the yeast whether they might need rehydration before pitching. if you are doing rehydration, make sure that the temperatures are fairly close to avoid temperature shock. good luck
not a pure sugar wash, but ujssm (See homedistiller.org) is dope. certainly easier than potatoes. also it’s dead cheap with minimal effort which allows you to have a lot of volume to dial in your cuts. also don’t use turbos (unless you got something like a large boka)