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I think for me it’s the roleplay. So few games let you tell your own story the way Bethesda games can. I’ve been playing Skyrim religiously for almost 12 years now. Being your own character, deciding what/who that character is… I can’t wait.


I think mods don’t want to lose the subreddits they’ve built up. It’s hard to onboard users into the fediverse, and migrating would mean those communities take a big hit. Perhaps it’s hard for the mods to onboard with lemmy too? But I agree that everything that protest did was ultimately toothless. Now reddit is just removing mods and installing their own pro-reddit mods.

It’s all kind of unfortunate. Reddit controls a massive, mature set of communities that are ultimately very convenient and easy to access. Lemmy, in comparison, is a little tricky to get started with. That said, I love the smaller communities with less trolls, no ads, and no bots. I plan to heavily reduce my reddit usage and hopefully transition more and more to lemmy.


It’s important to recognize that corporations make money through exploitation (exploiting the working class, the environment, etc), not by creating real value.

While you are fearing that a man dressed as a woman might read a story to your child, a corporation is artificially raising prices on necessities like food or medicine (“inflation”). Or they eliminate regulations that allow trains to derail, poisoning our communities. Or they allow banks to play fast and loose with your money so that the bank can earn an extra few bucks, but then the banks fail and all your money is gone (the bank gets a bailout, do you?).

All of these things have happened in the last year, but they don’t want us to focus on these things. They want us to focus on black vs white, straight vs not straight, christian vs not christian, and left vs right; but never the disgustingly rich vs literally the other 7-8 billion people in the world.


I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I offered those examples because I think they are significant examples of ways in which consolidated wealth has been allowed to exploit the general population. When great wealth is consolidated (either with a company or an individual), the ability for great harm is significantly higher. Whether you think a corporation can be good or not, it seems like you agree that there is exploitation (based on the last paragraph of your comment).

I want to believe humans are naturally good, but wealth is incredibly corrupting. All that “leftists” want are protections put in place to prevent powerful people from walking all over them and destroying their lives (“dont tread on me”). It seems like “conservatives” and “progressives” should be able to agree on this, but instead, we allow ourselves to be labeled (e.g., “democrats” or “republicans”). Then we put ourselves into camps and resort to tribalism (us vs them). This is a form of control. We can’t improve as a society because we are at each others throats 24/7, and the disgustingly rich are allowed to continue their exploitation. There are plenty of issues that “both sides” agree on. For example, I think many people agree that stronger background checks and longer waiting periods when buying guns or other lethal weapons are reasonable policy decisions to limit gun violence. And yet nothing is done. Instead, political leaders point fingers at each other and make outrageous claims which are then echoed across various media platforms (which are all owned by a very small number of very rich people). This system poisons our minds and turns us against each other.

Uniting and coming together as a country to solve problems is how we make America great again. If the systemic divide and conquer strategy used to create infighting among the people isn’t something you are able or willing to recognize, I don’t think it will be productive to debate other topics.


I’ve played Skyrim since release, but the mod that keeps things interesting for me is undoubtedly Requiem. Requiem uses unleveled world similar to this, but the encounter zone difficulty is hidden from the player. While this is fairly immersive, I think it’s frustrating for new players. “Why can’t I kill draugr? Why are mages one shotting me?” Etc… So this is probably a design choice to make the game accessible.


The rationale appears to be that they don’t have the moderation tools necessary to deal with an unvetted userbase. Lemmy.world doesn’t require any prior user verification, so anyone can join (just like reddit). Beehaw claims that they were receiving a large amount of trolls or other negative traffic from lemmy.world and shitjustworks, so they have temporarily defederated these instances.

This may change if better modding tools come around.


Not entirely sure what the commenter was referring to, but it might be about tracking (Firefox has great anti-tracking and privacy tech). The real money on the web comes from ads, and specifically targeted ads. Targeted ads require that advertisement companies like Facebook and Google track you and build a profile based on your activity. Companies like reddit make money by helping to build these profiles and by delivering ads.

If you can still be targeted by ads, the powers that be will continue to try and “make a buck” off the internet. If there is a market for targeted ads, it is likely that a service will be monetized for the sake of profit, which typically leads to situations like what we’ve seen with reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc… Privacy is essentially an ad-business killer in the modern web.


There is absolutely alt-right content on lemmy. That said, it is mostly drowned out. I saw several alt-right communities when I joined lemmy 3 weeks ago with only 1 member. These people were trying to build echo chambers by themselves. Other lemmy users would come in and start posting articles from regular media which pretty much shut down. I think it’s great that users here don’t want to allow it to be a safe haven for that kind of stuff, unlike the numerous other “free speech” websites that actively encourage it.

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I agree with the comments about the HDD being a questionable choice. My question would be if 1000W is really required for this build. Usually I see 1000W for multi-GPU builds. Your processor is 180W and your GPU is 355W. It seems like you could easily get away with 750-800W and save some cash. Maybe that could go into a larger SSD?
