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As if she ever stops at 400


I’m Canadian. I went to a concert in Michigan (Third Eye Blind) and half the crowd had some article of clothing with the American flag on it. Not really that weird, but it’s more than I’m used to seeing Canadians sporting Canadian flag clothing.


There’s a turn-based RPG sale/event happening on Steam right now. I can’t vouch for any of those games, but new ones do exist.

As for why they seem to have declined in popularity I can only guess - smartphones happened, removing the need for a home computer from many would-be RTS gamers.


It’s free to play, there’s a huge market for skins, and some gambling addiction to go with it. The perfect storm.


To really copy a song takes a lot of patience and work, perhaps more than composing something original. Unless you were blatantly ripping something off, it’s unlikely that you are going to “copy” it, so don’t worry about it too much. Your favourite composer was influenced by some other music that they emulate aspects of without copying. Genres exist and songs within them sound similar, without copying each other.

To answer your question, my solution is to listen actively and take notes. It’s one thing to hear something and like it, but another to be able to describe why you like it. Listen, close your eyes, open them to write an observation, repeat. Now you have a handful of ideas that you can re-interpret in your own way.

Also put the inspiration song in your DAW and use it as a reference as you compose. It will help you notice things like arrangement, instrumentation, and give you a target to work towards.


He can’t get a bank loan, nevermind a mortgage


Bonus: I can’t even afford a home after it all! Yay America!

Same goes for Canada! Yay, twinsies!


If they don’t like it they can leave. Consider it a bullet dodged.


Used to be lawful good, but have switched to lawful evil and my neck is thankful for it.


Elden Ring - Shadow of the Erdtree

I’m 160 hours in, completed the base game, and now am on what I believe to be the final boss of the DLC. I got to phase 2 on the first try, only to hit a brick wall lol.

The DLC is a lot bigger than I was expecting, and some of the bosses are the most difficult I’ve faced. The highlight for me has been Cerulean Coast and


Putrescent Knight - such a pain in the ass, but looks extremely cool while doing it.

Looking forward to NG+ and beyond as I work towards the 100% achievement - speaking of which, it’s a little disappointing how little is required to get it compared to DS1/2/3, especially since ER is so much bigger of a game. I really enjoyed hunting down all the rings for DS3 and felt they could have had a talisman achievement to match in ER.

My favourite moment of the past week was when I summoned two players for a certain boss (another phase 2 kicking my ass), but we got invaded by “Jesus” who just kinda lore-walked around and gestured, and eventually we followed along. Nobody got hurt, and they even gave some gestures of encouragement for us to go beat the boss.


Very weird indie puzzle/platformer. It feels like a fever dream. You have a FPS view and (some of the time) a set of hands that shoot projectiles (reminds me of Gauntlets of the Necromancer from Heretic), except they don’t necessarily do damage, they interact with the puzzles in each world.

There are some abstract hints for each level, but I find myself really having to think about what’s in front of me to solve the puzzles (in a good way). I noticed a negative review complaining about the game mechanics not being consistent, but I think that is completely intentional and serves the overall feel of the game nicely. It’s not meant to be obvious or easy, you have to figure it out. I don’t think this is a game for everyone, but I am enjoying it for what it is. Apparently there are 96 levels so I’m more than getting my money’s worth.

Bleak Sword DX

Action/roguelike/soulslike? Each world is broken into about 10 levels + boss fights, and from what I can tell there are about 10 worlds. I’m enjoying the feel of the gameplay a lot - blocking and dodging are satisfying like a souls game. The difficulty is starting to ramp up as I work to finish world 3. Surprised I hadn’t heard of this sooner. Probably a good one for Hollow Knight fans, but there isn’t exploration. It’s bite-sized action and it’s done well imo.


What a game. Alchemy, wand-building, every single pixel is trying to kill you. Especially the water which is also on fire. It’s amazing and highly addictive. I have no idea how large the world actually is yet, since I’ve been busy discovering new ways to blow myself up. Pretty much every run I see something new. This will easily get 100+ hours out of me.
