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Somewhat ironically, both of those things would actually require a license as opposed to ownership


I think that it’s an underlying Spotify issue for sure, namely that an album is often present as an explicit and censored version. But I feel like Zotify should be able to deal with this.

While songs show up in Zotify with the [E] you usually just see multiple copies of the album without any identifiers. One of these will be the “real” album, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to filter the others.


In other words, race to the bottom is race to the bottom.

Those jobs were not cruel and demeaning as you seem to imply. In fact plenty of industries still operate that way (auto parts etc.) and they served a valuable purpose, to give work experience to that underpaid teenager.

In fact if you go to a butcher shop, fishmonger, farm market etc. you will have your food handed to you by a human as well. And most people highly rate both the service and quality at such shops, with the employees usually being paid significantly more than at supermarkets, and having proper work hours and job security.

So yes, I suppose Piggly Wiggly made food margins a little thinner. But considering I get better meat prices at my butcher than at a supermarket, who do you think benefited from that move the most? Most likely the same ones benefiting from the move towards a fully automated store like Amazon tested.


science engineering

Siege engineering to be precise


The one I loved was a pancake machine at a hotel breakfast buffet. You pressed the pancake button and batter was dispensed onto a slowly rolling large heated cylinder. When your pancake made it to the edge of the cylinder, it peeled off and flipped onto another counter-rotating cylinder. Then it was peeled off and slid down a chute onto a plate. Perfectly round, perfectly cooked.

I ate a few more pancakes than I should have just to see it work. Then against the protests of my wife I lifted the hinged side panel to see how the batter was loaded and dispensed (it was squeezed out of a bag by a screw jack)

The girl at the buffet asked if I was a process engineer (yup) and assured me that I was far from the first to peek under the hood 😅


There is this thing that I feel is most prevalent in the USA, to call any attraction to a girl under the age of 18 pedophilia. Because that’s the age to star in porn. The term should truly be used for attraction to children. I think it’s an extension of the “pedo panic” where every man is assumed for some reason to be a child rapist now.

As such almost every young man could at some point be caught as a “pedophile”- 17 year olds sneak into clubs all the time, for example. 20 year old hooked up with one? Now he is considered a pedophile even if the actual age of consent is lower.

Meanwhile the porn industry glorifies “barely 18” girls as something highly desirable. It’s a little messed up to say the least.

Actual pedos who are into kids should be put in mental institutions. But I would strongly suspect that 15% stated just includes honest young men and creepy old men, none of which are truly pedophiles. That number is way too high.


Honestly it sounds like Canada (minus the transgender panic). Trump is a POS but that doesn’t mean that the declining quality of education is not a real problem.

My wife teaches college and trade school and the quality of incoming students declines every year as since Covid for some reason the public schools have had very low requirements for passing a grade level. Some can’t even add fractions. Most can’t rearrange an equation. A large fraction panic and have anxiety attacks when taking tests, and just stare at the paper like a deer in the headlights.

My daughter is now in grade 5 and they were teaching them practically nothing and not even grading them. Just “good” “adequate” or “poor” based on how well the teacher “thinks they know the material”. No discipline, no challenge. And it honestly seems true that they’re teaching more cultural topics and less core math/science/English.

Thankfully she has a teacher and an engineer for parents, is a voracious reader and we’ve taught her math and programming at home. Pulled her out of the public system this year and she’s suddenly telling us what she learned and is excited to go to school…


I wouldn’t even say “before relatively recently” as it depends where you are. Up until my daughter was like 5 or so she was just fully naked or in a swim diaper at the beach and like you say nobody considered that to be “nudity”.

But we’re in rural Canada where we don’t have the pedo paranoia that seems to have taken over America, and we just let our kids run free like we did.

Though it’s growing in the cities and small towns now, not long ago in a nearby town there was a Facebook panic over a man in a white van driving slowly around town. Unsurprisingly he turned out to be a plumber looking for the right address.


beats dealing with android studio

It’s been years since I went near Android for this reason, I’ve had some decent ideas for stuff I’d like to do on mobile but was so turned off on developing for the entire platform. Maybe I’ll have to take a look at some of the new frameworks.

My trouble is I would prefer to write in an embedded style C/C++ for the agricultural stuff I want to do, and all this Java/JS stuff and heavy focus on fancy UX is really not my vibe.


Hah you got it, I used to be a “Chevy guy” when it came to domestic trucks but this was the truck that finally made me say enough, it’s riddled with embarrassing faults and bad design decisions in every system. The Ford truck we also have is an example of new tech that works well and the Chevy just can’t compare.
