This stream includes a new Interlude reading from SA5!!!
I’ve actually been playing Vampire The Masquerade: Coteries of New York. Working on the platinum just because I can actually obtain it lol It is actually much better than I was expecting it to be.
I’m actually so excited for this. I got my copy of The Lost Stories yesterday and next May for short story month we’re gonna read it in book club. This just feels so special.
I never saw this post, sorry. Yes, totally within the rules :)
Just finished the Mage Errant series and now I am reading Song of Silver Flame like Night. Mage Errant was light and fun, this new one feels more involved, but the prose is beautiful and I am enjoying it so far a lot.
I’m actually not sure we have any information on this. A feruchemist sort of requires a metalmind, and I am not entirely sure they can substitute other Investiture as a metalmind or not. This is a really interesting question and perhaps it should be brought up to Brandon at the next spoiler stream or livestream Q&A.
Thanks for sharing this, I’ve cross-posted it to our notice board community Hawker’s Alley, where sales and promotions can be posted :D