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I have learned about the unwavering commitment to maintaining this beautiful space and the arduous work it entails. I envision the land as a theater set where core summer memories are made while tightly holding onto a culture in danger of disappearing. In these American woods, …

Clearly they are talking about the indigenous peoples here who had maintained the space for millennia and are a culture in danger of disappearing right?

they are free to be Ukrainian, and more specifically, a Ukrainian Plast Scout.

Riiiight. Ukrainian culture is in danger of disappearing? Since when?


I’m just so glad the CIA turned out to be a more closely aligned with finance than with industry or they’d be much more effective and dangerous.


I love the cope here.

  1. The shortage turned the war is Russia’s favor? Honestly, when was the war NOT in Russia’s favor? At literally every juncture Russia has controlled the pace of the conflict using only a portion of its military, while Ukraine has burned through multiple full armies, constantly reacting, and changing very little.

  2. The graph of shell production is hilarious. For years production has been abysmal and yet they expect to nearly double in a year and then double again year later. Really? The article refers to a factory in the USA that is literally 10-years behind schedule and over budget by 100%. There’s zero evidence that those projections can be achieved.

  3. “It’s easy to blame Western leaders [for this problem. But if we had ramped up shell production we would had not built other weapons.]” How are those other weapons working out for you? Who could have known shells were more important than those other weapons? Hint: everyone who warned you this would happen. Of course it’s easy to blame Western leaders for these decisions - they are literally accountable for this domain. We’re also talking literal orders of magnitude difference in budget between USA wonder weapons and shells. They quote one facility costing $147M when the F35 program is in the hundreds of billions with the total program estimated to cost $2 TRILLION, and they want to believe that spending $6B on shell production would have been a problem? A trillion for upgrading the nuclear system in the USA and it’s not leadership’s fault that there’s a shell shortage after years of warnings from military experts? Granted the person who said this is from a think tank that likely advised spending those dollars on hi tech trash, so they are probably just covering their ass, but Reuters needs to find anything they can to keep the copium supply flowing.

If this is the state of internal critique in the West, the West is cooked.


Tying your operating system fundamentals to proprietary network services that require active and paid-up accounts was never going to be a good idea.


I am honestly surprised no one got arrested


The US numbers have got to be lower in 2024 than they were in 2021 with food prices going the way they’ve gone.


The result is that Huawei displaces all its domestic competitors within China, but the other companies are now also taking over Huawei’s share in the global market.

Other Chinese companies aren’t able to produce what Huawei is making, so what this means is that the largest Chinese domestic buyers (the military, the bureaucracy, the academy) are less and less dependent on international trade to function, making the Chinese state more resilient along multiple dimensions specifically because Huawei is building advanced tech.

The US can damage China’s economy as long as China continues to stay as a net exporter country

And it will essentially ALWAYS be a net exporter in pure dollar values because it has the second largest population in the world. It will always need to import low cost commodities like food and it will always be able to outproduce everyone on high priced commodities like electronics. There is really no risk of China being a net importer in the next century.

The vast majority of the businesses around the world are too deeply tied to the US controlled infrastructures like Amazon/Google

I think you overstate this. There are plenty of companies that use those infrastructures purely for commodity virtualization and seamlessly move been cloud providers based entirely on price, not on technological features. Then there’s the massive amount of infrastructure that is private and not on the cloud at all. They’re already locked in to domestic technology because American companies like IBM, EMC, and Oracle trapped them decades ago. Those people were never going to move their workloads to Chinese infrastructure, but if they have a presence in China they are absolutely going to buy Chinese hardware to build their new private infrastructure.

There are a set of companies that are on USA-based public cloud providers that are serving USA-based customers and they would never want to be on Chinese-located tech because it’s too far from their markets. Then there’s a set of companies on USA-based public cloud providers that serve AsiaPac and use AWS/Google/Microsoft because those companies have physical presence in China. China has the power to influence exactly how those data centers work and in fact many of those data centers are already contract data centers meaning they are Chinese companies under the hood providing the facilities for USA companies for their presence in AsiaPac.

In short, the number of computing dollars that could go to China but won’t because of the USA is going to be very small relative to the total market size. The much larger dollar values are in which chips get used where.


Why is Russia so good at this? They have so much less money, so many fewer people, they were completely demolished 30 years ago, and they are shot through with corruption. How could they be so effective at controlling USA politicians and the USA electoral system and the USA Congress and the USA media when the USA spends far more on propaganda, far more on espionage, far more on media, far more on their military, far more on international relations, and has more people and has much longer unbroken period of prosperity and has more control over the world’s resources and has more influence over the world governments?

It just doesn’t make sense. How is Russia this good?
