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Idgaf if they nominate Jimmy Carter, I’m voting against the Republican


Yeah, the fact that college kids getting beaten up by cops over Palestinian genocide didn’t prompt this crisis of confidence in Biden but the donor class getting upset makes it dominate the airwaves is really annoying, but not at all surprising.

At the end of the day, whoever has the best chance of beating Trump should be our nominee whether it’s Biden or somebody else

What I will say is what upsets me is [Democrats] saying we will lose. For me, to a certain extent, I don’t care what name is on there. We are not losing. I don’t know about you, but my community does not have the option to lose. My community does not have the luxury of accepting loss in July of an election year. My people are the first ones deported. They’re the first ones put in Rikers. They’re the first ones whose families are killed by war.

This was really well said and echoes my feelings exactly


Gore’s campaign didn’t have to reject Jesse Jackson’s people who were protesting on their behalf like they did, but they did at least challenge the results by litigating them all the way up to the supreme court. Of course, the problem is that the supreme court sucks.


327 votes, actually, but that just makes your point stronger. If they hadn’t stopped the recount with a riot (and also a friendly Florida AG and friendly US Supreme Court), there’s no such thing as President George W Bush.


Moreover - fewer registration sites means the remaining ones have to deal with more voters, meaning they will be busier and more hectic, meaning more mistakes will happen. The “fewer sites = fewer mistakes” argument only works if the only “mistake” you care about is someone registering who shouldn’t and don’t think someone who should being unable to registe is a problem.


The fake electors and their financiers and lawyers are the root of the problem, the dumbasses they got to bumrush the capitol were just disposable shock troops (who also definitely deserve their jail cells, but that’s just treating symptoms instead of the disease)


That’s not what the article here is arguing, they’re arguing that things have been better under Biden and that’s just not true, that’s like arguing reproductive healthcare has been better since 2020 and forgetting the whole Dobbs decision happened.

Things have been worse not because of but in spite of things the Biden administration have done and tried to do to make it better, but they could and should do more, and the basic argument that things are better is offensive.


No, I’m mentioning there are more things the Biden’s cabinet and the rest of his administration could be doing to push back on state level Republicans (mainly legislatures and AGs), to demonstrate my real point - the last four years have been fucking awful for the LGBTQ community, and seeing Biden supporters here pat themselves on the back for how it’s gone frustrates me (and probably a lot of other people we want to vote for the Democratic party’s candidates in the fall) a lot.

I think it would be a lot better politics for people who want (like I do) to see Republicans lose elections to forget the victory laps and focus more on (to paraphrase Bill Clinton) feeling the pain of their voters and telling us what you are going to do going forward instead.


I think I agree, but I’d phrase it a bit differently. The problem in our country isn’t division, it’s that there’s an energetic fascist movement that needs to be stopped. The problem with assassinating Trump is that it gives that movement a martyr and would very much energize them (disorganize them too, since they wouldn’t know for sure who to follow anymore, but they’ve never needed to be too organized to do damage and they could do plenty before succession fueled infighting really started to take a toll).

Killing Trump won’t kill his ideas, the only way to do that is to embarrass Trump and Trumpism badly, so I think the best series of events would be a) Trump loses the election, b) prosecutors explain Trump’s many crimes in meticulous detail to a series of juries who sentence Trump to years and years behind bars, c) Trump dies of a heart attack while taking a shit in prison.

The fact that the voters already did a) once in 2020 and the system’s let us down on b) is deeply frustrating and worth acknowledging for the sake of identifying the country’s underlying problems (it’s the politicians and lawyers more than it is the voters), but it doesn’t change the fact that assassinating Trump is the last thing we want to do at this point.


I didn’t think this was possible, but Chris LaCivita might be an even more disgusting deceptive bullshitter than the orange asshole he’s advising

Also, make no mistake - the Republicans will be trying to steal this election
