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Anyone with experience with joysticks (these or regular ones), I have a weird backlash issue with my Steam Deck where if I pull the joystick all the way in one direction and release it, it will overshoot the center and go ever so slightly in the other direction, and weirdly enough its only a recent issue and did not crop up till this past month (after I let it sit for a month or so).

I am going to eventually swap to the hall effect sticks cuz I like the idea, so my question is: Should I try to fix this issue in software (i.e. increase deadzones, would that be effective?), is there a quick hardware fix that I can do a without taking apart the Deck, or should I just go ahead and fastforward my timeline in getting and swapping to the Hall effect sticks? I figure if I have to open the Deck I might as well do the swap, but I want to put that off as long as I can.


I have a bad solution to this:

  1. measure the mean and std. of loading times for a given loading task on a wide variety of machines, store this
  2. when a user encounters a load that needs a bar (above a certain time threshold), compare their machine to those stored to get a mean/std
  3. go to your desired confidence level above the mean (say 99.9% of all cases) and use that as a loading time.
  4. progress the loading bar smoothly for that time. If the loading is done before that DO NOT end early, just keep going and record the new time to work it into the mean/std (which should probably be reported back to the dev and fetched by the user’s machine daily)
  5. If it goes over on time, just dismiss the loading screen just very very slowly transition to the game, and if its still not done just crash the game. If we cant have an accurate loading time we won’t have any loading time.

This should annoy enough devs and users alike and make them admit that fake loading bars are better than accurate ones.


Thanks for giving me the term for the effect, it’s insanely hard to Google the issue without knowing what it is called. I have increased the deadzone a little bit and it has helped as far as I can tell. Looks like I get to put off the upgrade for a bit longer.


After my last phone upgrade where I chose a phone with a headphone jack, I found that I just did not use it that often. But when I did use it, it was absolutely critical. Being stuck with on a flight with bluetooth headphones without charge is awful, but aint no problem when you got a headphone jack (and the wire to connect your dead headphones). I could see myself getting a phone without it, but there would have to be a really good reason for it, and so far there has not been one.


Anyone not using a password manager is shooting themselves in the foot and often time not realizing till its too late. Along with that sign up for a service that notifies you of data breaches, I think bitwarden has one built in (might only be for subscribing members though) and there is always https://haveibeenpwned.com/


Adding water to your skin surprisingly can make it worse. Drinking water tends to help moisturize but washing removes oils and stuff from your skin which in excess can make it dry and cracked over time. If your skin is delicate enough then excessive washing may be a lower limit than you can handle with a bidet. And slathering lotion on your ass after you poop just seems to be a worse solution.


Aww yeah, another Pinecil user! Coming from a cheapo non temp controlled iron I got over a decade ago I kept eyeing the bigger setups, but I lack the space to set it up and I lack the funds to make it worth given that I don’t solder things on a daily basis. Turns out that for my specific needs Pinecil is a significantly better option. I still could use a heatgun, but again the use would be so rare and a hairdryer works in all but the most niche cases (at which point I just ask someone who has one to borrow).

I also got their usb power supply with charges my desk devices (and includes a wireless pad that charges my earbuds). Super cheap, super small, and does everything I need it to.


I have been going back to tell people about alternatives like Lemmy. It’s weird, if you just visit surface level it looks just about the same but looking more closely things feel off. Things feel a little bit more stagnant and it seems that less content is being generated. Bigger subs that have made efforts to protest seem to be more missing from popular, but others are pretending nothing is wrong and largely are unchanged.

That being said my front page is completely ruined. Like half the subs I was part of have gone quiet or are full of protest posts so it’s very noticable.


Considering that spez is championing musk as an example of good leadership I think that if not this, something else will happen. That might assuage some of your fears. Though if reddit changes it’s ways and backpedals and maybe changes leadership, it might not be a bad thing (but I seriously doubt that at this point).


Federation is independent from content type so technically yeah, but seeing as you wouldn’t really want to see microblog type content in a link aggregator style display… It doesn’t really matter. Not to mention that afaik threads ain’t even federated yet…
