Just finished my second play through a couple weeks ago, what an incredibly unique game. The balance system almost felt like a rhythm game to me, really makes me hope it inspires other similar games. This was my first time on directors cut, I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of bonus content. Definitely worth playing if it ever goes on a big sale or gamepass.
Yeah there’s even very popular examples in recent history, the Lego movie series to name one. I haven’t seen them, but I think the general consensus about them is positive. Hopefully studios look to this and see the the success in the vision of the film maker and the statement of the art, rather than in the commercial name recognition from a popular toy.
The only answer you ever get is “Closed: Marked as duplicate question.”
If you read “Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity” as eugenics and genocide, I think you might be jumping the gun a bit based on personal biases. Population bottlenecks require you to be very careful about species-wide gene pools. In a population of 10,000, you don’t want Cletus reproducing with his first cousin.