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Yeah…so you’ve moved the goalposts to counter a point I didn’t make…

You’re moving it again with the “I eat birds too” part. You SHOULD give a fuck about what cats do to wildlife. And to be clear, they aren’t eating the birds. They’re killing for fun.


All right, you’ve moved the goalposts pretty far. A feral dog being more dangerous to humans than a cat doesn’t mean they’re a more inherently aggressive animal like the person I was replying to said.


He may have signed off on it in the end, but architects aren’t in charge of designing AC systems (or electrical, plumbing, etc). Thatd be way too much to have to be an expert on so they contract it out

Source: I am one of the tradesmen commercial constructions projects hire for low voltage (IT/AV/security) design and coordinate directly with the other contracted trades


Because it tastes good to them


I said “bad” cats - as in “hard to train/untrainable” in the context of my comment.

The rest of your comment is also about aggression towards humans even though in my previous reply I was speaking about aggression in general but I’ll respond to it anyway: Of course a tiny feral cat is less likely to square up with a human…they know they’re one kick from death. Towards smaller animals, stray cats are absolutely more aggressive. Even house cats kill for fun.

None of this is admonishment (except toward owners who let their cats roam the neighborhood), by the way. I love cats. I’m just not into the toxoplasmosis-driven defending them as perfect little creatures who do no wrong


No…not good


It’s also kind of weird to call it “deeply human” when whales have existed 10x as long as humans… Maybe having names for ourselves makes us Deeply Whale-like


He’s not perfect so I will punish him and, by extension, myself as well! I’m still mad that he didn’t fulfill his promise of [insert any of the various things he tried to pass that Republicans delayed or outright blocked] so he hasn’t earned my vote. I will now ignore the historic climate policies from his administration because they didn’t do a good job of making people aware they happened.

Seriously though, I despise his support for Israel and he’s 20 years older than I’d like my president to be…but given the choice, I’ll take Biden over any Republican. And I’d take almost any politician over Trump so it’ll be the easiest vote of my life.


I’m not on crack. I volunteered at a shelter (cats/dogs) for 6 years and another shelter (cats/dogs/rabbits) for 2 more. I have a lot of experience with animals even outside of having at least one pet in my home for 95% of my life. Very few dogs are untrainable and even fewer from birth… It’s usually the result of abuse or years of neglect. (ETA: only having experience with bad neighbors and one dog of your own doesn’t really give you “a means to judge”)

Likewise, there’s very few “bad” cats - though I’d wager the percentage is higher given the prevalence of feral cats. They are MUCH less domesticated and will “revert” to being completely feral in one generation. Not a bad thing, just pointing it out.

The majority of dogs don’t need to be trained to not rip a toddler’s fade off and those that do are usually from breeds that were bred for aggression. Pitbulls, as much as I love them, are in that category. Golden Retrievers are not.


It really sounds like your problems are with dog owners and not the animal itself. It also sounds like your dog sucks or you’re a bad owner yourself…The majority of them are VERY easy to train as millenias of domestication has made them people-pleasers.

This puppy is the first dog I’ve had that I’ve been fully responsible for training and he learned to not do all those things in the first two weeks with minimal effort. He shits in the same spot outside, doesn’t pull on the leash, and only barks when he can’t get to me (like if he falls asleep in the hallway and I close the door). The biggest struggle has been getting him to stop chewing on the rugs. Meanwhile, you’ll never train a cat to not rip up your furniture, chew wires, or knock stuff off shelves - you just have to take steps to mitigate and live with it.

That’s an insane take on their nature, too. Cats are equally “implicitly aggressive” (they famously kill birds just for fun). Do you live somewhere with only junkyards and drug dealers or something? Dogs are inherently friendly animals. Mine has met 5 cats now (introducing him early so he’ll be excited when I adopt one next year) and 100% of the aggression came from the cats.

Dogs require WAY more work and are not rewarding at all to me. I hate the things that fundamentally make them dogs.

I won’t try to convince anyone to get a dog - they’re not for everyone - but as someone with a ton of experience with both and who loves both equally, you’re wrong about what “fundamentally make[s] them dogs”.

Since we’re throwing shade, I should let you know that no matter how often you change the litter box, your house smells. You might not notice it but your guests do
